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Phoenix invaded Rhino's mind and stole all his memories and handed it over to Adrian. This was a pretty brutal process, unlike the last time she helped Yelena, Phoenix spared no effort to invade Rhino's mind.

And as expected, this type of attack has serious consequences.

Rhino's eyes go totally white, and soon he starts drooling, he had brain death ...

"I see ..." Adrian murmured when he released Rhino who was dead on the floor.

After absorbing all of Rhino's memories, he understood what was going on.

A black symbiote slowly left Adrian's body and tried to eat Rhino's head. "Stop, Venom."

[Adrian?] Venom asked.

"He is not guilty, he is also innocent." Adrian spoke in a neutral tone. "Rhino, wrong ... Aleksei, he committed crimes, but it was just minor crimes like stealing or something. He never killed an innocent. This was the first time he killed an innocent, and he was beside himself, a second personality was controlling his body. ”

[Tsk.] Venom was upset.

Adrian sighs. "He is guilty and innocent at the same time. I will not desecrate his body. He will be buried like an ordinary human, that is the least I can do for him."

Adrian approaches Rhino, and absorbs all the foreign genes in Rhino's body. "Venom, I don't want my appearance to change."

[Don't worry, his genes aren't that strong.] Scream said instead of Venom.


Two minutes later, a bald man was lying on the floor.

[His strength has been updated a bit, and his stamina has been updated.] Riot said.

Adrian nods. To be honest, he didn't feel his strength increased. It's like a glass of water being poured into the ocean.

Adrian closes his eyes, and when he opens his eyes again, he saw someone just like him. "You know what to do. As soon as you finish the job, you must cut your throat."

"Yes, Boss." Adrian's clone walks over to Aleksei's body and places it on his shoulder, shortly afterward Adrian's clone jumps towards somewhere.

Adrian looks at a tower that had the OSBORN logo.

Soon after, he looks at the spirit of a bald man. "Aleksei, I don't feel sorry for you, but as a man who also loves your family, I understand you a little. I would do anything to protect my family, because of that, I will do you a favor."

"As a parting gift, I'm going to give you Osborn's head."

Adrian knows that if he were weak, and that his family was in danger, he would have done horrible things just to keep his family safe.

'Aleksei, despite the situation he was in, he never killed an innocent. He never committed any crimes other than theft, in a way, I respect him a little ...' Adrian thought.

Aleksei smiles with satisfaction. He bends and speaks some incomprehensible words. It was as if he were in another language. Slowly, it started to disappear, soon there was only a small soul in front of Adrian. The small black soul slowly enters Adrian's body.

Adrian's eyes started to glow with a dangerous neon blue, and he felt an irritating itch in his throat, unconsciously, he spoke a word:


When he said that word, it was as if a supernatural will had obeyed his order. The floor of the building started to get dark.

Ahand rests on the floor and slowly rises, then Rhino's body is stood in front of Adrian.

Rhino opens his eyes and kneels.

Unlike before, Rhino's body was covered in darkness. Adrian also realized that inside Rhino's eyes were shining gold.

"What the fuck ...?"


Adrian's mental landscape.

“This is strange ... Why did my power change like that? Originally, I only used corpses. ” Death asked herself, confused.

Phoenix looked at Death like she was a fool. “Are you really an entity? If you feel the energy of that being, you will feel death, life and darkness. ”

Death looked at Phoenix with an annoyed look. “Unlike you, this is not my real body! This is just a waste of my energy. ”

"But you can feel it through Adrian's eyes, right?"


Death changed the subject of the conversation. “... Darkness? Is this related to that? ” She pointed to the darkness in Adrian's mental landscape.

Phoenix gave a funny smile. "... Maybe, I don't know." She lay on the grass and returned to her innocent personality.

Phoenix looked into the darkness and frowned, she didn't like that place. She doesn't know what that is, she just knows it's old, it's much older than the entities themselves.


“Death? Is that your power too? ” Adrian asked as he looked at Rhino, instinctively, he could feel a connection with Rhino.

[Yes, but as you have Phoenix in your body, that power has mutated. The power is simple, you can use souls as servants. They are immortal and you can have as many souls as your energy can handle ... You must remember what I did when we first met, right? That power is basically that.]

Adrian nods, he still remembers Death making a giant being that was covered in corpses.

"Does that mean that I can have infinite immortal souls?"

[Yes ........ Maybe? I don't know, to be honest, this power is unexpected to me. My power is to control the corpses and the souls of the corpses.I can know everything about an individual's soul, I have total control over souls. Originally my power was not supposed to manifest as if it were a shadow.] Death decided to be honest.

[Your servant who manifested himself as a soul, can I feel that he was corrupted by something, because of that, he manifested himself that way? I don’t know. Originally, you were only supposed to control the corpses and the souls of beings, but instead, you invoked a physical soul.] She explained in an incomprehensible way, in a way, she also didn't know if what she was saying was right.

As the entity that has the concept of death, she can control everything about a living being that has died. She can know all its secrets, she can manipulate souls, but she cannot invoke a physical soul.

What Adrian did was to invoke a physical soul in the real world. That should be impossible, after all, the soul is not something physical that you can touch or interact with.

“Huh? You don'teven know what that is? ”

[Just because I'm an entity, it doesn't mean that I'm omniscient!! I am not my father!! Goodbye! I have to do something!! Don't contact me!!] Death spoke like an angry girlfriend.


Adrian looks at Rhino. "Come on, I will keep my promise." He decided not to think about it too much now.

Rhino's golden eyes shine for a moment and then he disappears into Adrian's shadows.


Side Story.

Meanwhile, the Symbiotes were talking.

“Ohhhhh!! He did it!! He became Sung Jin-Woo!!! ” Lasher said excitedly.

“Kyaa! Him saying 'Arise' was so cool!! ' Scream shouted excitedly.

"His first horsemanis bad, I still prefer Igris." Venom complained. He was in Adrian's hater mode, he wanted to eat Rhino's head!

“Idiot, the number from now on will only grow! Stop hating our master! ” Scream said.

“You are just a fan-girl! You have no opinion on this discussion! And when did he become your master!? ” Venom replied.

“The moment he became Sung Jin-Woo!!


"I will not argue with a fan-girl. I know I will lose, after all, they have no logic." Venom said to himself as he nodded.

"I wonder how strong Adrian is." Riot asked.

All symbiotes look at Riot.

“I mean, hehas that bird's power, right? He also absorbed several powers, I wonder how strong he is now. ” He explained.

"I don't know, after all, he never fought anyone strong enough." Agony said.


The symbiotes were silent.

"If he keeps getting strong at this rate ... I wonder if he's going to go bald ..." Lasher said.


The symbiotes thought of Adrian's long white hair, then they imagined Adrian losing all that hair.

"Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA" They started to laugh.

The appearance is the same, only the eyes that are golden.



Thank you for the chapter👍😁 I enjoyed it as always.


What did you think of this development? Btw, I'm going to release two more chapters! I'm just editing them now!


It was awesome keep up the good work dude👍😁