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Three months later.

Rao's main spaceship.

In one of the rooms on this ship you can see two lovers lying on a bed hugging each other lovingly. A man with a body that looks like it was made by the gods, he has long blood-red hair and sapphire blue eyes.

In one of this man's arms was a gorgeous woman, she has silky black hair, sapphire blue eyes and a toned warrior body.

They were lying on a King Size bed while being bathed in the yellow sun.

"I never get tired of watching this star, it's like I'm connected to it, it's a strange feeling." I say while looking at the yellow sun.

Faora, who was lying with her head on my chest, looks at the yellow sun for a moment. "I understand your feeling a little bit, Rao."

I laughed a little at Faora's answer. "Your hair is getting long, are you going to cut it?" I say while stroking Faora's hair that it has reached her neck now.

Faora said in her usual cold tone as she enjoyed my caresses. "I don't know, what do you think?"

She's asking for my opinion, huh. She is so adorable ... It is very adorable to see how much she has changed in those three months.

"You would look beautiful with long hair." I said my honest opinion.

“Hmm. So, I'm going to let it grow. ” She spoke as she lay on my chest.

I smile a little, how can she speak so coldly and be so adorable at the same time? Isn't she cute?


While caressing Faora, I look at the yellow sun that was bathing me with its light, I start to think about the changes I made in these three months.

First, I reprogrammed my artificial intelligence and named it Zero.

I wanted a simple name, as this was my first artificial intelligence that I created, I named it Zero.

I reprogrammed Zero's code to be more robust and flexible, I also erased the ability to feel emotions and grow indefinitely. I want a tool to help me, I don't want a sentient being who can make decisions at will.

I want a useful machine that is loyal to me and my people, for safety, I put several self-destruct codes at Zero.

I did this as countermeasures for races that can control the technology. If a Zero’s code is changed without my permission, it will self-destruct and immediately warn me of what happened, as only I have access to Zero settings, this is 50% safe.

I don't think it's 100% safe because I don't have enough knowledge about those races that can manipulate technology at will.

And it bothers me a lot, I don't even know if the countermeasures I did will be activated if a race with this ability to manipulate technology decides to invade Krypton technology.

I recovered the Kryptonian spacecraft that was buried in the Arctic. Now, I have three spaceships.

I also started producing Kryptonian children, now that I have the cradle of life, I can raise children more efficiently.

The cradle of life is a machine capable of creating Kryptonian babies with high efficiency, the great advantage of this machine is that unlike incubators, I can modify the genes of babies.

For example; incubators only help the baby to grow, but his genes are selected at random. Consequently, I have no control over whether babies will be talented in certain areas or not, because of this small problem, education programs exist.

The cradle of life is able to choose which genes the child should be born with, I can choose whether he will be born to have the talent of an engineer, Martial artist, politician etc.

If I choose that a child will be an engineer, I just have to give him the best DNA from a Krypton engineer. After forming the embryo with these genes, I let the baby grow, and when the baby is big enough, I’lI just have to choose an education program for engineers.

With this, the baby will learn his function in life from an early age, that's how Krypton raised babies.

I was also born from this machine, but unlike these babies, I had the best genes of my people and my education program was 'Emperor'.

The process of using this machine is quite simple. I must just put some of my blood that contains the DNA of all Kryptonians and choose what talents I should give the child.

Yes, I am replacing the Codex. Originally, it was Codex that did this job, but as Codex is fused with my DNA, I have to give some of my blood for the machine to work.

Of course, this machine is not perfect, if I choose several genes, an error can occur and the baby will be born without talents. From Krypton's point of view, it would be useless and would soon be discarded.

But it's not all bad news, this machine has a limitation of four talents per individual.

General Zod is an example of this, he is a good warrior, a good commander, a good diplomat and a good strategist, he was brought up with these four talents.

Although I think that Zod's strategist talent is the least of the four talents ... Albeit from his war records, he never lost a war, this is proof that his strategies work, he even started a coup.

But I wonder why he was getting stupid when he entered this solar system? Does he have a strange disease? Why did he decide to attack a race without having information about it?

It is because of this limit of talent on the machine that my existence is strange. Compared to the other Kryptonians, I have several kinds of DNA in my body and I have access to all the talents of these DNA.

Currently, I am creating 20 Kryptonian babies with talents in areas such as engineering, life science, biology, knowledge of technology, etc.

I am giving these babies a variety of job-related talents that can help my kingdom grow.

Currently, I need scholars and intelligent Kryptonians, I don't need warriors.

Could I do everything myself? Yes, I could, but if I do that, I would not have time to manage my people. Currently, I have divided my time in giving orders, managing Kryptonian human and material resources, spending time with Faora, as well as thinking about countermeasures for possible enemies, I also have to study the culture of Earth.

I asked my subordinates to go to Earth and steal their books. Their language was strange at first, but I learned it easily after figuring out how their language was constructed.

I ordered my subordinates to take books from all possible areas, I started to study everything that my subordinates brought from Earth.

I learned several things about Earth, with my super speed, this was an easy task. I learned that on this planet, its citizens are very religious, I learned that there are several mythologies on this planet.

Unlike Krypton, which only had a mythology that was Raoism, on this planet there are many mythologies with various gods that humans worship.

Their culture is ... interesting. I will not deny that I liked the war books that I stole from a country called China.

I mainly liked the books of a man named Sun Tzu, I remember a quote that looks something like this:

"Treat your men like your children, and they will follow you into the darkest valleys. Treat them like beloved children, and they will defend you with their own bodies until death." These words contained wisdom.


I look at Faora and smile a little, my relationship with Faora has progressed too. When we are alone, she just calls me by my name, she seems more comfortable with me too.

I realized that she also started to change with my influence. She is slowly losing her warrior's thinking, and adopting the thought of a monarch who leads her people. I didn't say anything when I saw her change, because why I would say something? After all, I'm really enjoying her change.

"It's nothing, shall we go back to work?"

Faora gets up and climbs on top of my body. "Shall we do it just one more time?"

I look at her toned body, she really has a perfect body, I think the influence of the sun has also helped her body.

I lightly caressed her muscular abdomen, I see her twitch her brow for a moment, but she still has a cold expression.

I slightly lift my lips with a mocking smile, I know all the weaknesses in her body, and yet, she still resists and fights back, as expected of a warrior, I think? I will not lie, I like this resistance from her.

I throw her on the bed and stay on top of her. "Let's go just one more time."

She formed a small smile and wraps her arms around my neck. "You know it never ends with just once."

"True." I approach her and kiss her.



Folks, I apologize for the delay. I'm still having a hard time writing the DC novel because of the Sci-fi names. I keep forgetting the names I put, kkkkk. And also DC is a more thinking novel and a little more serious than Venom, because of that, I can't make Slice of Life chapters like Venom Anyway, I will send two more chapters.


Kinda ironic he gets children advice from the Chinese😅😅😅