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"Humpf." Emma Frost snorted and disabled her powers. She didn't like this situation; after all, who likes to have their life threatened?

Slowly, Emma Frost's skin began to return to normal.

Adrian was watching this phenomenon with curious eyes; he was very curious about Emma Frost's ability.

"This power seems to be used defensively, it gains a diamond-like skin that can defend against anything, at least that's my impression initially. I need to know more about it." Adrian thought as he imagined several situations on how to use that power that would eventually be his. 'Perhaps, I can use this defensive skin on my symbiote? Wouldn't I be invulnerable? '

Seeing Adrian's curious eyes, Emma Frost smiled: "Are you curious?"

Adrian smiled: "I'll be lying if I say that I'm not curious, but you're not going to tell me what that skill is, right?"

Emma smiled. "Oh, you understand me very well."

Emma Frost and Adrian looked at each other and began laughing.



Adrian's subordinates, Jean and Sharon, didn't understand why they were laughing like they were crazy.

Adrian and Emma Frost stopped laughing and looked at each other for a moment. It was as if they were communicating by expressions, at least that was the impression the girls had.

Adrian took his attention off Emma Frost and looked at Jean. "It is time to fulfill what I promised you."

"Huh?" Jean didn't understand, but when she thought of the words, Adrian said. "Oh, you're talking about this."

Adrian nods. "I will help you to control your power."

Emma Frost took an interest in the subject. "Oh, did you promise my protégé something?"

Hearing Emma Frost's words, Adrian nodded. "I will keep my promise now." He started walking towards Jean.

'Death, I just have to talk to her, right?'

[Yes, use the same method that I taught you earlier. By doing this, you will enter that girl's mental landscape, my sister must be sleeping in that place.] Death explained.

'Okay.' Adrian nodded internally.

[Adrian, be careful with my sister's games] Death warned you.

Adrian could clearly see that Death was concerned.

He smiled a little. 'Okay, I'll be careful.' He was serious. This is going to be the second time meeting with a primordial entity. And maybe that entity did not want to talk like Death; he has to be cautious.

Jean felt her heartbeat quickly when she saw Adrian walking towards her with serious eyes. She was a little nervous; she didn't know what to do.

Adrian stopped in front of Jean. "You are ready?"

“W-Wait! What will you do?" Jean realized that Adrian didn't say anything to her.

"Do you trust me?" Adrian asked with a serious face.

"Of course not!!" Jean shouted, how is she going to trust someone she just met !? She is not stupid.

Jean had a favorable opinion of Adrian, but she doesn't completely trust him yet!

"Jean, don't worry it won't hurt." Adrian said as he approached.

Jean walked away with a little fear. “W-wait !! Why am I feeling ulterior motives in your words !? ”

"Do not worry. Do not worry. I'm just going to put the tip of the head-on, it won't hurt. ” Adrian said with a small smile.

Jean was embarrassed; Adrian was obviously playing with her!

Adrian stopped in front of Jean and smiled. "Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong." He realized that Jean was nervous; because of that, he made this joke.

Jean sighed and decided to give a vote of confidence; from what she has seen so far, Adrian does not appear to be a person who will take advantage of her. "Okay, I'm trusting you."

Adrian gave a playful smile.

Seeing Adrian's expression, Jean's face went red with embarrassment. Clearly, her words could be misunderstood!

Jean turned her face away; she was unable to look at Adrian now!

Realizing that Jean was calmer, Adrian returned his serious gaze. "Look into my eyes." He spoke in a low voice in a serious tone.

Hearing Adrian's serious voice, Jean understood what she needed to do. Ignoring the feeling of shame, she looked up and stared Adrian in the eyes. When she looked into Adrian's neon blue eyes, her eyes changed to a golden color.

As if time had stopped, the two just stared at each other.

"... Hmm, wasn't something supposed to happen?" Emma Frost asked out loud, confused; she was expecting something like a show of powers. After all, it's Adrian we're talking about, but surprisingly, the situation was calm.

At least this is what Emma Frost saw, if someone with a magic aptitude was watching this scene, they would keep their mouths open about what was happening.

Two great pillars of primordial energies were colliding! Death and Life. Two opposite extremes that cannot exist without their counterpart.


On a snowy mountain, an old man in monk's clothes was meditating; he was known by many names, The Master, The High Lama, The Mystic, The Spirit Leopard, etc. But their most famous name was ... The Ancient One.

Opening his eyes, the old man looked in the direction of New York. He frowned a little when he realized the size of the energy that was being produced. "How did I not notice this before? Who are the individuals capable of producing such energy for life and Death? " He spoke in a neutral tone as he stroked his white beard.

The Ancient One was curious and concerned; he knew that someone who has this amount of energy can destroy reality, and as the guardian of reality and the earth, he cannot let that happen.

Making a decision, the old man interrupted his meditation. He gets up, made a gesture with his hand, and a golden circle formed in front of him.

Observing the circle, the old man saw two teenagers looking at each other. "Interesting." He mumbled to himself as he continued to watch what the teenagers were doing.

He couldn't 'see' everything, something was blocking his view, but he can more or less understand what was going on.



I'm going to release 4 more soon, I'm just translating.