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Adrian left the abandoned base with Jessica and Natasha, who held her sister like a princess. By the time he stepped out of the elevator, Nick Fury and Maria Hill were waiting for him outside.

Adrian smiled and said, "Nick, my friend, how are you?"

Nick Fury smiled. "I'm fine, did you finish the job?"

All SHIELD agents looked shocked at Nick Fury, they know very well that their director hated Adrian for some reason. But now that same director is treating Adrian as a friend !? What is the name of the seven hell is going on !?

"Of course, who do you think I am? It was effortless. " Adrian took the web tube and handed it to Nick Fury. He needs to keep acting in front of all the SHIELD agents. He also doesn't have a safe place to keep Symbiote. Because of that, he decided to leave it for the time being Nick Fury.

"This is Symbiote, I suggest you isolate it in a strong and reliable place." Adrian spoke, highlighting the word 'confidence.' After all, he doesn't want HYDRA to take Symbiote.

Nick Fury nodded, took the web tube, and walked over to an agent who is carrying a briefcase and puts the web tube inside the briefcase.

"Nick, I'm taking Natasha's sister, that was the deal, right?" Adrian said in a tone of voice as if he were ordering Nick.

"Yes." Nick Fury replied with unfocused eyes, but quickly returned to normal.

Natasha carried her sister to a SHIELD doctor. She knew nothing was wrong with her sister, but she needed to be sure, after all, she is not a doctor.

"Good." Adrian nodded his head.

Adrian suddenly felt like he forgot something. After thinking for a minute, he remembered that he forgot Kilgrave in a random building. 'Damn it! My precious guinea pig! '

Adrian looked for a moment at Maria Hill, who was ordering the agents, several thoughts and plans crossed his mind. But he decided to leave this matter for another day, he is very tired now.

Adrian is not physically tired, but mentally tired; his body has changed a lot in a few hours, and he has had several incidents. He needed to rest, he wants to lie on a bed clinging to Natasha or Leona !!

Adrian looked at his new subordinate, who was beside him, "Jessica, go get Kilgrave. I forgot him in that building where we were waiting for Natasha." He ordered. "When you pick it up, I want you to go to that address in Queens XxxXxx." He said his home address.

Jessica nodded, and when she was about to fly. "Don't kill him, you can torture him, but don't kill him."

Jessica nodded with a hostile smile on her face.

Adrian took the attention of Jessica, who flew to get his guinea pig and looked at Nick Fury. 'He's still Nick Fury, I just changed his thinking process, he's going to take my orders as a priority, but he's still going to act like the old Nick Fury ... This skill is very powerful, I wonder why Kilgrave has not decided to explore its potential. '

Nick Fury returned to Adrian's side. "Adrian, I want to talk to you about the AVENGERS initiative."


In a luxurious office, a fat man was sitting while reading reports from his subordinates. He was pleased, and all the projects he thought for the future are working. He believes that if everything goes well, he could retire in 20 years and leave his entire empire to his son, of course, he will train his son to be worthy of his empire.

This fat man was wearing a very luxurious white suit, with just one look anyone could tell that the suit was quite expensive. Despite his overweight appearance, the man shows an air of superiority and arrogance. But don't be fooled underneath that air of superiority and arrogance. There is a shrewd man who can do anything that will benefit him.

Drug trafficking, organ sales, trafficking in women and children, murders, this man is already involved in all kinds of obscure businesses. This man's hands are already dirty with the crime.

The most terrifying thing about this man is not the crimes he is involved in but his cunning, he knows very well that what he does is wrong, because of that, he opened several legal companies and started to dominate the New York market, he invested in anything that made a profit, he used ghost people as CEO of the companies he built and used that influence to subdue rivals in the market.

Slowly, he started to gain influence in the underworld and the surface world. He also began to gain respect from several criminal bosses. He is known publicly as an 'honest and humble man who sells spices,' but under the hood, he is a terrifying man who does everything for power.

This man's name is Wilson Fisk or better known in the underworld as Kingpin.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door to Wilson Fisk's office.

"In between."

A man wearing a black suit enters: "Sir, we've lost touch with the gang Kilgrave."

Wilson Fisk raised his eyebrows a little when he heard what his subordinate said.

The gang Kilgrave was an investment that Wilson made not long ago, 'Kilgrave decided to betray me? But that doesn't make sense, he should reap some benefits before he cheats on me, why can't we get in touch with him? '

Living in the underworld for so long, Wilson Fisk was used to betrayals. After all, everything in this world is driven by interests.

After thinking a little about the moves, he should make, "Have someone go to Kilgrave's base in person to check what's going on." He ordered.

Wilson Fisk has decided that he needs information first.

"Yes, sir." His subordinate said and left the office.


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