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Adrian turned and was about to enter the elevator. When the black Symbiote spoke in a hoarse Symbiote voice.


Riot approached Adrian and faced him.

Adrian stared back, he was not afraid of Riot, in fact. Adrian was waiting for a chance for Riot to make a mistake or be alone and isolated. When that happens, Adrian will attack him.

He wanted an opportunity.

Adrian did this because he doesn't want to attract the attention of agents who are not being controlled by him.

Yes, Adrian is controlling Nick Fury with his powers. But he does not control the entire SHIELD organization with that power.

It is already weird Adrian acting friendly with Nick Fury. It will be much weirder if Adrian attacks SHIELD 'agents' and Nick Fury does nothing in retaliation.

Whether or not these Symbiotes are categorized as SHIELD agents, Adrian cannot attack them openly.

"Why are you giving us orders ?!" Riot practically shouted angrily with his sharp teeth showing.



Slowly, Adrian's shape began to change to the two-meter-tall muscular shape.

In a voice mixed with Venom. ["I'm giving you orders because you're a human puppy."] Adrian pointed to the collar on Riot's neck.

["Who would have thought that a proud Symbiote of the Klyntar race would stoop to be controlled by humans."]

["Poor Riot, you planned to invade this planet, but in the end, you became a puppet for the inhabitants of that planet."]



Jessica was not afraid of Riot's appearance. The first time she saw the Symbiotes' appearance, she thought they were a mutant or something.

When she heard Adrian's previous sentence saying that these Symbiotes were based on him, she thought that this organization experimented with them to give them Adrian's powers.

But for the first time, she thought it was not as simple as she imagined, it was not the appearance of a human or mutant.

Riot tried to attack Adrian, but suddenly, he fell to the ground while screaming.

Adrian looked at Maria. 'The collar certain emitted sounds ... Normally, that wouldn't be harmful to a human, but for a Symbiote, this tool was deadly, it seems that Nick Fury did his homework, but he made a mistake ...'

The pain was so great for Symbiote that soon, a black goo with a gray color came out of the SHIELD agent's body.

'Normal Symbiotes can change hosts anytime they want. However, my Symbiote that can't leave my body because we are literally one. This tool was created to trap me, because of that little detail that Nick didn't know, he made a mistake.'

Adrian once again saw how vital information was when it came to fighting an enemy.

Adrian returned to his normal form and walked towards Riot.

Adrian grabbed Symbiote with his hand and placed it on his body, then Symbiote Riot entered Adrian's body.

The coloring of Adrian's Costume went a little gray with the addition of Riot.

[What are you doing?] Riot spoke in Adrian's mind.

[Be quiet, or would you like to be a human-dog?] Venom said as he showed memories of Adrian's plan to Riot.

Adrian smiled. 'With that, it was 1, there are only 4.'

"What did you do, Adrian?" Maria Hill asked suspiciously as she held her gun in her hands.

"I didn't do anything, you did it, I just ate that Symbiote making me stronger. What I did was just self-defense," Adrian responded by mixing lies with truth.

The truth is that he got stronger.

The lie was that he didn't eat Symbiote.

Adrian looked at the other Symbiotes smiling. "Come on." He ordered with his hands raised.

As if something was controlling the Symbiotes. The goo started to come out of the hosts who were the agents of SHIELD.

The Symbiotes left their hosts and jumped towards Adrian.

When the Symbiotes joined Adrian's body, Adrian's costume had undergone a significant change,

Black tentacles protruded from behind Adrian's back while six claw-like spines protruded from his back.

Adrian's height has grown a little, and the claws had a bony appearance, he also has the same type of claws on his feet.

The color of the Symbiote goo turned darker than the darkness, and a white symbol of the breed Klyntar was on his chest. (1)

Adrian felt strong, much stronger than before, but he also noticed something, his emotions were confused! The sensation was as if you had several personalities within a single body.

[This body is incredible,]

[So he is also of our race.]

[Let's kill someone!]

[This place got noisy ...]

"Shut up!!" Adrian shouted as he put his hand on his head.

Surprisingly, all the Symbiotes were silent ...

Adrian sighed internally. He felt he was going to go crazy with so many voices in his head, not only that would make him go crazy but also to feel several emotions at the same time now.

Before, he only felt Venom's emotions, but now he is feeling five more different emotions at the same time.

Adrian thought that if it weren't for his Alpha status that kept the Symbiote silent, he would go crazy.

"Adrian ... What did you do?" Maria asked with shock on her face.

"Are you okay, Adrian?" Natasha asked worriedly.

"You look like a tentacle monster now ..." Jessica commented a little apprehensively, she will never say out loud that she was afraid of Adrian for a moment.

Adrian pursed his lips when he heard what Jessica said.

"I absorbed the five Symbiotes and got stronger," Adrian responded by mixing lies with truth again.

Maria Hill touched put her hand on her head in frustration. "Adrian, these aliens belong to SHIELD."

"You are wrong, these Symbiotes don't belong to anyone, they are free," Adrian commented as he undid his mask.

Adrian tried to go back to his old suit, but he found it impossible ...

He can't change to his old form.

Adrian tried to take a Symbiote out of his body and give it to Natasha but failed again ...

'What in the name of the seven hells is going on !?' He asked himself.

[We don't want to leave your body, you are the perfect host.] A Symbiote with a woman's voice spoke.

[Yes, we have infinite food in your body, your adrenaline level is insane.] Another Symbiote with a woman's voice spoke. (2)

Maria Hill sighed; she wondered why everything SHIELD does just makes Adrian stronger?

"Maria Hill, don't worry, Nick Fury won't mind me getting stronger." Adrian walks to the elevator and leans against the elevator wall.

"What do you mean by that?" Maria asked suspiciously.

Adrian used his right to remain silent.

Jessica and Natasha enter the elevator and stand beside Adrian.

As the elevator door was closing, Adrian said as he pointed to the fallen agents: "Take care of your agents."

Maria Hill looked at the agents and sighed again that night. "I want vacations..."

1 - I'm awful at detailing. His appearance is from the Symbiote Hybrid from the comics. The only difference is that the color of the slime is not red. Still, a dark black like Venom's, on Adrian's chest, is the Klyntar symbol.

2 - Some Symbiotes eat the host's adrenaline.

New Suit



It may seem that Adrian is super strong now, but he can only fight Thor, and even if he fights Thor, Adrian would lose because he has little fighting experience. He can also fight the Hulk easily. Basically, he is a heavyweight now, I will only leave him at the level of Captain Marvel (Cosmic Hero) when he learns magic, but I still haven't decided which story he should learn magic. Thor also has his thunder that can hurt Adrian a lot. I will leave him at that level and now I will train his powers. If you think about it, Adrian is a monster for being at Thor's level at just 14 years old.


Tokyo Ghoul x Venom! Nice