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A few minutes ago.

Adrian was jumping from building to building with his strength, this kind of activity was just child's play, 'Slow.' He complained inwardly about his speed.

Adrian jumped to another building. Out of the corner of Adrian's eyes, he saw Jessica following him. Adrian undid his mask and started to observe the powers that made it possible for Jessica to fly in the air.

Even watching Jessica, he never stopped jumping from building to building.

Adrian felt awkward about the ability to absorb powers. Some powers were straightforward to use like powers Kilgrave's and spider webs. But the other powers needed a lot of effort to understand.

This was the case with Jessica's ability, he has no idea how to use Jessica's flying powers.

Since he doesn't have much time left, he can't talk to Jessica about this problem.

So he decided to go for trial and error.

Adrian jumped really high this time, in midair, he tried to do various poses, imitating Jessica. He was trying to make the powers flying work.

Jessica just looked at this ridiculous scene with a face that understood nothing.

Adrian was unable to fly and was now falling at high speed towards the ground. As there was no building around, Adrian decided to use his webs.

Adrian threw his webs into a building, and what happened next? Well, physics happened.

Like a certain man who was raised in the forest, Adrian swayed at incredible speed.

For a moment, a feeling of fear took over Adrian's body, but it was short-lived when he remembered the durability of his body, Adrian managed to relax, if he had a normal body, he wouldn't try something crazy like that.

Adrian dropped his web and threw another web into a building farther away, again physics happened.


Adrian found this feeling very amusing, like spiderman, Adrian started to swing by the buildings in New York.

At first, he was very clumsy, but with a few minutes of practice and using his supernatural vision, he managed to improve.

Even after finding a faster way to get somewhere, Adrian still hasn't given up on his ability to fly.

While swinging through the buildings, Adrian's vision never left Jessica. He was using his unique eyes to understand what was going on.

After a few minutes of watching Jessica fly close to him, Adrian learned a few things.

Jessica's powers used a very thin energy around her body. This energy is what allowed her to fly. Adrian estimated that this energy is what gave her powers.

He also understood that to fly, he had to cover himself with that energy, but he doesn't know how the 'flying' process works.

'Well, it looks like I'm going to have to go through trial and error.'

Adrian started his tests while swinging around the buildings, the first tests were a failure, he made many mistakes. These mistakes came with consequences, he hit his face in a building and hit his body on a billboard.

Adrian swore that if his body was not durable, he would have some broken bones by now. He has an insane regeneration, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain when breaking a bone.

At least with Adrian's tests, he managed to glide in the air.

"You! You! - "Jessica was speechless when she saw Adrian using her powers.

'I couldn't fly with an impulse like Jessica, but at least I can glide, I'm starting to understand what it feels like to fly, I think if I had more time, I would have managed to fly.'

Why is Adrian so fixated on flying? After all, he had his webs. Well, Adrian still remembered the feeling of flying he felt when he was in the world of Death; besides, flying is the romance of all men, isn't it?

Adrian feeling that he was getting close to Natasha, he used his webs and climbed into a very tall building, on top of the building. He used his vision and started looking for Natasha.

Soon he saw Natasha talking to Nick Fury ...

When Adrian saw Nick Fury, Adrian's conscience started making plans to take advantage of the situation. However, his sentimental side started to get angry, 'Did that bastard do something to Nat?' that's what he thought.

Adrian is a person who does not forgive anyone who hurts his family. Because of that, it is very difficult for him to think clearly when something involves his family. He knows that this is a weakness that the enemy can use, he always needs to think calmly and assess the situation as he always does.

But who can do this with their family in danger?

With a cold mind, Adrian jumped very high and fell towards Natasha and Nick Fury.


* Boooooooom! *

"Hey, Nick." Adrian walked calmly towards Nick, he formed another scythe with his left hand. "Are you ready to die?"

"You do like making dramatic entrances, huh?" Nick Fury commented unmoved by Adrian's threat. "Answering your question, I'm not ready to die, I still have a lot of things I want to do."

Adrian, who was walking towards Nick Fury, stopped walking and looked at the pirate with cautious eyes. Adrian's instincts were screaming not to attack Nick Fury despite all the strength that Adrian acquired.

Adrian knows that Nick Fury is a cautious man. He would never appear in front of him if he didn't have something that could protect him from Adrian's clutches.

Adrian looks around for something he doesn't even know what it is. "Natasha, stay close to me."

Natasha looking at Adrian's serious face, she nods in agreement and approaches him.

Jessica Jones lands next to Adrian, waiting for new orders.

"You grew up, Adrian." Nick Fury praised Adrian's caution, he looked at Jessica. "Who are you?"

"She is my new subordinate. What are you doing here, Nick?"

"I'm here to negotiate, but now that you've arrived, I need something to show that I'm on the same level as you, right? After all, a negotiation doesn't work if the two parties are not the same." Nick Fury snapped his finger.

When Nick Fury snapped his fingers, five individuals appeared beside him, the group was made up of three men and two women.

But what surprised Adrian and Natasha was what happened next.

[Adrian, can you feel it?]


The five individuals were covered with goo. Soon, they were covered in a suit very similar to Venom's but with different colors.

'They are like us.'


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