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Killgrave shivered and tried to scream for help, but he couldn't say anything, at the moment he was just a vegetable waiting for his fate.

Adrian approached Killgrave and picked him up like a bag of potatoes. "This is goodbye, Jessica."

As Adrian walked towards the door


Adrian stopped and looked at the naked woman who was in front of him. She had a lean, toned body, long black hair, big breasts that was a little above average that seems to fit in his hands. She has a small reared butt, lips fleshy and red, and as her pussy is visible, he can see that she is shaved; she is a stunning woman.

"What do you want?" Adrian asked curiously, he had already done everything he thought for her. He already healed her body, he returned her purity, what else does she want?

Of course, Adrian took her powers as compensation. Still, she doesn't need to know that, when he took her powers, he had the mindset that he would never see her again, because of that, he took the chance, he doesn't know that kind of power Jessica has. Still, he can deduce that it's something like super strength.

"Oh, when I get in touch with the telepath, I will look for you, and heal your trauma," Adrian said, thinking she was going to talk about it, so he continued to walk again.

When Jessica heard what Adrian said, she felt thrilled, but that was not what she wanted to say. "What will happen to me when I find the telepath?"

Adrian stopped and said honestly: "You will forget everything that happened. You will forget everything that bastard did to you, you will be able to live a normal life."

Jessica felt awkward with the phrase 'You will forget everything.'

"Am I going to forget about you?" She asked with a little apprehension, nor did she know why she was doing this.


Adrian started walking again when he opened the door, he heard a whisper.


Jessica spoke in a shallow voice, if it weren't for Adrian's supernatural hearing, he wouldn't have even listened.

Jessica's body trembled, she doesn't know why she is acting like this. She felt that if she doesn't take this chance, she will be very sorry in the future, reaffirming her determination. Jessica spoke in a serious voice:

"I will work for you."

Jessica didn't know why she said that she just followed her instincts, with Jessica's mind being controlled for a long time by Kilgrave. Jessica's instincts have evolved to discern a person's personality, she thought Adrian was a reliable person.

Adrian stopped and looked at her with curious eyes. 'Does she think I have an organization or something?'

Adrian's mind started thinking about several things at the same time. "What did you say?"

Jessica took a deep breath. "I will work for you." She said again while thinking internally. 'I don't want to be away from him.'

"Why? Answer honestly." Adrian demanded this change was a little shocking for him. Adrian knows that a rape victim would never approach another man until this trauma no longer bothered them. Jessica may be superhuman, but that does not mean that she is immune to mental trauma.

Jessica bit her lip. "I just don't want to be away from you."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, 'Is she suffering from suspension bridge effect?'

Adrian read an article by a psychologist who said that when going through a traumatic situation, a person can confuse feelings of fear and anxiety with love. In this case, Jessica went through a traumatic situation, when Adrian helped her, she thought it was love. Adrian believed this may be happening to Jessica.

"What can you do to help me?" Adrian asked, even though he already knew the answer to his question.

Jessica said nothing; she just went over to a wall and punched.

* Boooom! *

The wall was shattered ...

Adrian smiled. "Okay, you convinced me." He snapped his fingers, and soon Symbiote entered Jessica's body.

Jessica was now wearing black jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt.

"I can't let my subordinate walk around without clothes, right?"

Jessica sighed with relief that Adrian had accepted her request, feeling her body stronger. She looked at her clothes, 'Is that the symbol of his organization? Now that I understand, what is this goo? I feel stronger ... 'She thought as she looked at the design that was in the middle of her shirt.

Jessica was not ashamed of being naked in front of Adrian, even before being captured by Kilgrave, she was a person who was not ashamed because of that, but that doesn't mean that she would let any man look at her naked body, if it were another man who saw her nude body, she would have beaten this man to the point that he would lose the memory of what happened,

As Adrian saved her from hell, she feels immense gratitude for him. Jessica thought she would be stingy to be angry at Adrian because he saw her naked.

"My name is Adrian Weismann, you can call me anything you want." Adrian turned and walked calmly down the floor.

Jessica quickly followed.

As he walked down the corridors towards the lower floor, Adrian switched on his communicator.

"Mission complete, I captured Kilgrave. What is your situation?"

Natasha was in a warehouse near the bay of New York. "I already destroyed all the bases I was in charge of, I am waiting for SHIELD to arrive and clean up the mess." She said as she looked at the women and children who had dead eyes.

"As expected from the Black Window." Adrian praised.

"With your powers, this work was effortless," Natasha said in a neutral tone, she didn't even have a hard time killing these bad guys.

"Did you complete the side job I ordered?"

"Yes, I don't know how much I stole, but I think it was around $150 million."

"This is a lot of money for a gang, I think the big fish were sponsoring this bastard." Adrian deduced it was bizarre that a gang like Kilgrave has so much money.

"Adrian, trafficking in children and women, are very profitable; they can raise that money easily," Natasha said with disgust.

Adrian does not know how profitable trafficking in children and women is, after all, this world has many sick people who use these people for experiments and slave labor.

When Adrian heard what Natasha said, he bit his lip in anger, "You didn't let any live, right?" he spoke in a cold voice.

Natasha looked at the bandits' dead bodies, "No," she said with a cold smile.


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