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Natasha was driving calmly towards Adrian's current location. In her hand was a tracking device. This is the same device they used to locate Adrian when he got lost in New York.

Arriving at the place, Natasha realized that it was just an ordinary store. She also realized that the store was very quiet, which was unnatural.

Natasha knew that Adrian was in that store, but she was not going to enter a place unprepared like a fool, she calmly got out of the car and picked up a pistol.

When Natasha came close to the store, she could see a body buried in the wall. She came close to the body and calmly analyzed the injuries of the body. She could easily perceive the indent of a fist in the deceased belly. "Only someone with superhuman strength could do something like that." She concluded.

Returning to the store, Natasha tried to look out the window, but when she was going to try to look, a voice stopped her. "Nat, you shouldn't be looking out the window."

Natasha was surprised that someone came after her easily, she jumped back and pointed her gun at the voice.

"Adrian, don't scare me." She grunted while putting away her weapon.

"You are getting rusty." Adrian joked; normally, he wouldn't be able to catch Natasha off guard. "Why didn't you use Symbiote?"

Natasha just turned her head to the side, saying. "Force of habit."

"You forgot, huh?" Adrian joked.

Natasha used her right to remain silent and did not respond to Adrian's pranks.

"Why can't I enter the store?" Natasha asked Adrian that Symbiote was not covering his body.

"Let's say it is not a very pleasant sight to see, I suggest you use the back door of the store," Adrian replied as he opened the store's front door. "Anyway, find me underground."

Natasha seeing Adrian entering the store, muttered: "Humpf, do you underestimate me? I've seen things worse than mere corpses."

Natasha opened the store door, but when she put her feet inside the store, she stopped immediately, she looked around. Suddenly she felt her stomach turn over at the sight in front of her.

Bodies were scattered, hands, heads, guts, organs, bones, they were all scattered on the couldn't take it anymore he floor, that really was the vision of hell. Natasha struggled, then she saw the condition of a corpse that was trapped in the spider's web, she couldn't take it anymore.

Natasha quickly left the store and threw up her entire lunch.

Needless to say, she would never forget what she saw today.

Adrian, hearing Natasha's voice, smiled and said, "I told you so."

As he walked toward the underground, Adrian thought. 'That fat man didn't have any useful information about Killgrave, but I have the base locations that this bastard uses, so I can hit him severely.'

Natasha Romanoff, or Natasha Weismann, as she likes to say, will never forget this day, knew that Adrian is cruel to their enemies. She realized this when they fought with SHIELD.

Natasha never thought he was so cruel as to leave the bodies of his enemies unrecognizable. What happened in that store was not the work of a human.

What happened in that store was the work of a monster, for a moment, that thought crossed Natasha's mind.

But when she went underground and saw the deplorable states that the children were in, her eyes went cold, when she saw a girl who had white liquids coming out of her private parts. She furiously clenched her fist to a point, blood started to come out of her hands.

Natasha thought that what Adrian did was not enough, they should suffer more, these people were not human. What happened was, Black Widow has a weakness when it comes to children; after all, it reminded her of her childhood.

But even if she didn't have a weakness for helpless children, that view would infuriate anyone who saw it.

Adrian took Natasha's hand gently and pulled her out of the room, Adrian hugged Natasha. "Be calm, they will pay for what they did here." He said calmly as he healed her hands.

Natasha did not move away from Adrian's embrace. "They are just children, Adrian. How dare they?" She asked in a tearful voice.

Even a trained assassin would be moved by this vision. The current Natasha is not a SHIELD agent who had been on various missions without rest until the events of the Avengers. It can be said that the current Natasha is more emotional.

Natasha doesn't admit it, but the years she spent living with Adrian and Leona softened the cold killer's heart.

But make no mistake, she has not become weaker, it can be said that she now has something to protect, she has a more definite purpose than the 'peace' that SHIELD sought, she became stronger. [01]

"I know. I know." Adrian, a comforted.

Adrian and Natasha spent some time hugging and enjoying each other's presence; this time helped Adrian to calm down.

"Adrian, do you copy?"

Adrian put his hand on the communicator and said. "Yes. Did you discover anything?"

Natasha took breaths deep several times, she left Adrian's arms, and soon she returned to her cold gaze.

Adrian took the communicator in his hand and puts it in speaker mode.

Leona, who was at her and Adrian's house, replied:

"Yes, I got a little information," Leona replied while picking up a computer and starting to read the information of who Adrian was dealing with:

"Zebediah Killgrave was a spy who worked for the Soviet bloc designated to break into an American army ammunition depot and steal a sample of experimental nerve gas. A military guard approached Kilgrave and fired at him, who accidentally hit a nerve gas cartridge. The contents of the container leaked, completely soaking Killgrave, impregnating his skin, after that incident, his skin turned purple. Captured and questioned, Killgrave offered his captors a weak and inappropriate alibi. To his surprise, he was believed and released. Several other incidents of this nature demonstrated that nerve gas had given Killgrave the superhuman ability to command the will of others. He is an individual classified as 'genetically modified human' by SHIELD."

"Nick Fury tried to take blood samples from Killgrave to try to find out how his powers work, but all of Nick's attempts were thwarted by the power to control Killgrave people. Currently, SHIELD doesn't know how he controls people. SHIELD only has one video captured by a hotel's security camera in which Killgrave demonstrated his skills."

Natasha: "Can you send us this video?"

Leona: "If you are near a computer, I can send you."

Adrian: "Leona, what is this bastard's personality?"

Hearing Adrian's question, Leona looked at Kilgrave's file. She reread Kilgrave's information and made a mental map of his personality in her head.

"He is calculating, but because of his power, he has become arrogant, he believes that no person can harm him. Killgrave believes he is untouchable." Leona deduced his personality.

Hearing what Kilgrave's personality is like, Adrian's smile widened. "I have a plan, will you help me?"

Leona snorted through the communicator: "After so many problems you gave us, are you asking this now? Hurry up and tell me what the plan is!"

Natasha said nothing; she just looked at Adrian, waiting for him to speak.

Adrian smiled predatorily. "The plan is."

01: In the comics, the SHIELD organization existed to preserve 'peace,' over time it was corrupted by HYDRA over time.


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