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"Death, I want to know everything about Phoenix," I said in a serious tone. I have to stop whining like a baby and solve the problem, so what if she is a cosmic entity? I have a cosmic entity on my side too.

[Okay.] Death easily agrees with a happy tone, probably, she read my thoughts.

As I watched the cityscape from the top of the building, I listened patiently to Death's explanation of Phoenix.

[The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible and manifestation changeable of the universe's main force, life. Born from the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is the daughter of the universe. It is the nexus of all the psionic energy in the universe, it will always exist in all the realities of the Omniverse, it is the guardian of Creation.] Death explains in a teacher's tone.


[My sister is one of the most feared beings in the universe, she has the power to cut and regenerate any part of the universe, as well as to destroy it entirely.]


[She always said that her work is called the "Phoenix Trial", this trial that she makes is very simple. She 'cuts' off everything that doesn't work in the universe. For simplicity, it destroys everything that is stagnant and does not evolve naturally.]


[Why are you silent? Did I forget something? Hmm ... Oh! I remember now, she is the reincarnation of life and fire, she can manipulate these elements at will. She is a supplier and manipulator of energy, with this energy, she can even grant immortality to those she likes.]


[Adrian!?] Death screams in my head, hearing her scream, I get out of my stupor...

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is very broken! It can destroy the universe and rebuild it!? She can give immortality!? She is basically a God! Fuck!

This is not something I can handle! I need to think of something!

[Adrian! Calm down!] Death screams in a worried voice, suddenly I feel something cold entering my brain and soon I can calm down.

"Sorry, Death." I apologize, but no one can blame me! If her powers only influenced the planet, I would accept it, but the universe!? It can destroy a universe!! Fuck!

[Adrian!] Death screams angrily and soon I feel that cold feeling build in my brain.

Soon I can calm down completely.

"Death, does she have weaknesses?" I ask in a cold voice.

[Yes, my sister needs a host to do her job, every host she chooses will always have a connection with psionic energy, she is also under the host's influence. To sum up, she likes hosts who have great mental abilities, and she cannot do her job until the host of the body leaves, but of course, there are exceptions. If the host becomes unconscious, she can take control of the body and if nobody stops her ... Well I don't need to say anything else, right?]

So despite being powerful, it has a lot of restrictions, huh? Knowing this, I can relax a little.

"Do you have more information about her, Death?"

[Yes, because of her contact with human hosts, she acquired childish behavior. This behavior can sometimes be quite annoying.]

"..." So is she a child with superpowers? Great! Things are getting better and better!

"Anything else?"

[Hmm ... Oh! I remembered something. My sister is the protector of Crystal M'Kraan.]

Huh? Crystal M'Kraan? What is it?

[The explanation will be long and I am too lazy to explain, but for simplicity's sake, it is the nexus of all matter and antimatter not only in the universe, but in all the different existing realities.]

"..." After a long moment of silence, I say out loud to my faithful companion who loves to eat heads: "Venom, we are crap compared to these entities." I say with a sigh.

- We can do what we want and when we want, you know why, Nick Fury? Because we are strong! - I remember what I said to that pirate.

Strong? Hahahahaha, compared to humans I am strong, but if I compare my strength with those beings that can destroy a universe? I'm just trash!

Suddenly I feel Symbiote coming out of my body, Symbiote starts to gather in the air and soon Venom's head is formed: [Stop whining like a baby, if we are not strong, we just have to get stronger! We will eat heads of cosmic entities! Imagine how delicious it will be!?] he said with a manic smile.

Looking at the face of Venom floating in front of me, I start to smile predatorily without realizing it. So what if they are entities? So what if they can destroy a universe? I'm going to fuck them all and eat their heads!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laugh wildly.

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA] Venom laughs madly.

Slowly our faces start to merge and soon my mask is made, I stand and look at New York City.

While looking at this urban landscape, I make a promise to myself: “I will get stronger! Stronger than anyone! ”

I look down and see how tall I am. Suddenly I think of a crazy idea, I crouch a little, then I feel my leg muscles contracting, suddenly I jump! "Booom!" I hear the noise of the floor destroying, but I don't care! I do a somersault in the air and suddenly I feel myself falling towards the ground!

As I fall towards the ground, I suddenly reach out and grab the building in front of me, I pull my arm hard and soon I am thrown up! I do another somersault in the air and stretch my left arm towards another building! "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!" This is fun!



for those who did not understand why I did it, I needed to give the MC a goal, I realized that if he stays with his mindset now, he would never grow up, as he will seek more strength, conceptually, he will get into trouble , with this I can introduce several arcs.