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I opened my sleepy eyes and the first thing I saw was the face of my mother who was sitting on top of my body, I also feel a soft breath coming from my left side. I don't even have to turn my face to deduce that this breath comes from Nat.

Yesterday she was more aggressive than usual, I had to come inside her eight times until she was satisfied and fell asleep, I think her jealousy caused this result? Anyway, as I have the Symbiote to regenerate, I'm not feeling tired, I'm just feeling insatiable hunger, I still haven't found a cure for that insatiable hunger, so far this hunger isn't hurting me, but I'm sure this will be problematic in the future.

"Ara, did you wake up?" My mom told me with a smile while sitting on my hips.

Suddenly I feel an incredible pleasure coming from my cock, soon I realized that my cock is inside my mother. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously as I looked up at my mom with wide eyes.

Seeing her big breasts that is swaying a little because of the movement she is doing, seeing her toned body and hairy pussy that I love so much, I soon realized that she is naked.

"You have been a bad boy, Adrian." My mom told me with a serious look as she made a move up and down with her hips.

I feel an incredible tightness coming from her pussy when she said those words, I'm a little confused why she called me 'bad', but knowing my mom, she is probably upset because I neglected her.

Only it doesn't make sense, I don't remember neglecting her, after all, every day I have had sex with her. (But on second thought, I haven't had sex since this trip happened, I think she's upset about it?)

"While I was busy cleaning up the mess you made ... You are here having fun with Nat. And it makes me very jealous." She said with a dangerous look as she stopped moving and looked at my face.

Ok ... I'm a little scared now, I remembered very well the last time she made this face, and it happened when I broke her vase and she was very angry.

Before I even try to defend myself, she approached my face and kissed me, soon I find myself intoxicated by her addictive smell and the soft sensation coming from her lips.

She stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes with a heavy breath. I looked into her pale blue eyes and find myself mesmerized, then I use my right hand and caressed her face with love.

"Are you angry?" I asked as I caress her face.

Soon I see her closing her eyes as if she is enjoying my caresses. "Yes." She answered me in a loving voice.

"I'm angry!" suddenly she said angrily while squeezing my hands tightly.

She changes her mood very quickly, huh? She is very bipolar.

I stop stroking her, and very carefully I separated Nat who was clinging to my left arm like a koala, I gently turned her into a comfortable position and covered her with the sheet.

Finishing doing this, I lift my torso and hug my mom while squeezing her ass, I hear her moaning softly in my ears, but I ignored it and slowly use my hands to make an up and down movement, when I do this, I feel my cock penetrate deeply into the insides of my mother's cunt, feeling incredible pleasure coming from my cock, I suddenly feel an immense desire to come.

"What can I do to make you calm down?" I asked in a low voice in her ear as I drop my semen into the deepest part of her pussy, I feel her pussy squeezing my cock.

This squeeze is incredible! I think her grip exceeds Nat's.

My mom bites my shoulder hard in an attempt to stop herself from screaming, I feel my blood running down my shoulder, but I ignored it, I know that in a little while it will be healed.

I feel my mother's body shaking a little, I then hugged her gently as I penetrate her pussy in slow movements. Every time we had sex, the sex was always intense, but I’m going to go slow today, I feel like she’s going to enjoy it more like this.

"Y-Y-Y-You know very well what I want." She said to me stuttering a little while breathing heavily.

Yes ... I know very well what she wants, but I want her to say it.

"Tell me what you want." I said looking into her eyes while I parted with her a little and caressed her big breasts.

"I knew, you are evil." She said in a soft voice as she pressed her face to my chest.

I stop stroking her breasts and start stroking her beautiful black hair.

I will never stop surprising myself as she changes her mood quickly, she suddenly gets irritated like a lioness, then she becomes tame like a puppy, I really don't understand this side of her, but it is this side of her that I love the most.

Is it very contradictory? Yes. Is she too irrational? Sometimes. But I love that way of her.

"I want you to do with me what you did to Nat." She told me with a red face as she kissed me.

She's very cute!!!

I kissed her passionately as I slowly penetrated her, I want to have slow sex with her, I also want to test something.

I give a mental command to my Symbiote and soon I feel several Symbiote leaving my body and entering my mother's body, soon she is in a hybrid form of Venom, with the only difference that she is not fully dressed, she is with breasts and hairy pussy that I love so much of her uncovered, she also has her abdomen bare.

Yes, I recently discovered that I also have this abdominal fetish! I especially love the abs that are set! As my mom and Nat are ex-Agents, their bodies are defined and I love it so much! Seriously, am I becoming a pervert?

Looking at my mother's new appearance I feel my cock grow as if I am fully awake, I love it so much!

“Ah~! Y-You are a pervert.” My mom told me in an accusing voice as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Don't you want to have sex in that way?" I asked while also transforming myself into my hybrid form.

"I-I-I did not say that." She answered me while wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me.

I smiled at her response, I really love her so much!



I'm not able to find an image of the Venom Hybrid form, but the character has sharp human teeth, he is very similar to Eddie Brok from the Spiderman 3 movie The rest of the appearance is like that of normal Venom, but some parts of the body are uncovered.