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I don't know how long Nat and I were kissing, I just know that when our bodies started to heat up and our advances towards each other became more ferocious, my mother interrupted us with a cough.

"*Cough*. You sure are excited, huh? It makes me very jealous, maybe I should join you?” She asked me in a voice that carried jealousy and envy.

Hearing my mother's voice, I stopped kissing Nat, while I breathed heavily, I looked at her slightly red face, she is squeezing my neck very tightly while breathing heavily, it is as if something in this is turned on and that cannot be calmed.

I soon started to imagine my mother and Nat together with me in the same bed, that thought made me very excited, but apparently my mother saw it on my face when she said in a serious tone:

“I would love to do what you are thinking, Adrian. But we have to talk.”


SHIELD Headquarters. Unknown place.

In Nick Fury's personal room.

Nick Fury is very stressed right now! It's been three years! Three fucking years! And he still hadn't been able to find any clues about HYDRA ... All the investigative attempts he tried to do didn't get him anywhere, it's like someone is getting in the way of his investigations, of course when he realized this, he tried investigating SHIELD, he set up a trusted group and investigated the agents, but after two years of investigations, he was unable to find any agents who had links with HYDRA within SHIELD. To make matters worse, some agents were mysteriously killed!

Nick Fury is feeling for the first time in a dead-end. The only thing that can alleviate his frustrations on this subject is the meteor he has collected.

Nick Fury is not stupid, when he learned that SHIELD could possibly be compromised, he quickly hid the meteor and erased any information that SHIELD might have on that rock, along with Maria Hill and a trusted team, he hid the meteor in an isolated place where only he and trusted people know the location.

Looking at files on his personal desk."Damn it."He said in annoyance. When he picked up the meteor and sent his team to research the object, he soon received the report that the team managed to collect and isolate five parasites of the same species that merged with Adrian, initially, he was excited, after all, with that he could have a way to defend against Adrian's possible attack.

But Nick Fury soon realized that this was going to be very difficult, the parasite is very aggressive! In the beginning, he gave permission to test a parasite that has red goo on a criminal who was sentenced to death. The result? The criminal was killed by that red parasite, and since then that parasite has become quite aggressive.

That was a complete failure! The first experiment was a total failure! But he didn’t give up, he saw the power of Venom and Adrian, he knows that these parasites are dangerous, but in time he will be able to control them.

Nick Fury knows very well that there are beings outside planet Earth that are incredibly strong, his friend who is traveling around space is a good example of this. Perhaps, just maybe, this parasite can be a defense weapon against these beings.

* Door opening sound *

Maria Hill entered Nick Fury's personal office with a serious, professional face.

"Sir. Secretary Alexander Goodwin Pierce wants to speak with you.”

Listening to his trusted agent, Nick Fury was upset, since he started spending resources from SHIELD and did not report what he was spending those resources on, his longtime friend always comes to talk to him about it. Of course, he didn't say anything, he's not stupid after all. It was only recently that he managed to forge a list of fake documents, he cannot say that he was using SHIELD's resources to search for parasitic aliens.

Nick Fury in these three years of investigation began to have suspicions for everyone with whom he works or has had relationships, in the middle of his investigations, he suffered from several accidents that caused his trusted agents to die.

It is very clear that something stinks at SHIELD, he is not stupid, he just has no evidence yet, and even if he had evidence, he has no firepower to go against people who manipulated SHIELD. Not yet...

"Send him in."

Agent Maria Hill nodded and left the room. Soon an old man wearing a bench suit in Nick's staff room.

Nick Fury soon realized that he was carrying a suitcase, without showing anything on his face, he prepared a gun that was under his desk. It is as they say; if you have a suspicion, you have to suspect everyone until proven otherwise.

"Alexander, if you came for the resource report I'm spending-" Nick Fury tried to say something, but he was interrupted by his friend.

"I didn't come today because of that." Alexander took the suitcase in his hand and opened it, then he took several pictures from the suitcase and throws it on Nick's desk. "I came for this."

Seeing the photos that were thrown on the table. Nick Fury looked seriously at his longtime friend and asked suspiciously, "Where did you get this from?"


“I would love to do what you are thinking, Adrian. But we have to talk.”

Hearing my mother's words, I separated from Nat, I mean, I tried to separate from her, but for some reason she doesn't want to leave me, as I don't care about her wanting to be with me, after all, I really like the smell and her presence. I sit on the couch while she sits next to me.

My mom sits on the couch facing what I'm sitting on with a serious face.

"What do you want to talk about, mom?" I asked as I try to calm down and regulate my breathing, but soon I hear an irritating voice in my head.

[You look like a rabbit, Adrian. Are you in heat?]

Shut up! Who's the rabbit!? If I'm a rabbit, that means you're parasitizing a rabbit! You parasite!

[What did you say!? Who is the parasite! I'm going to eat your liver!]

Yes. Yes. Yes. That same story, right? But it doesn't work anymore! I know that if I die, you die too!

Hmm? Why did he keep silent out of nowhere? Anyway, what does my mom want to talk about?

"Adrian, we are moving." My mother said to me with a serious face and I answered with the only word that came to my mind:




do u think he can absorb the others like venom?


the MC can command the other symbionts, he can also absorb. If it absorbs other symbionts it will not change anything, it will only increase the Venom mass. with that it can multiply. Now if the symbiote he absorbs has other powers, he can gain those powers. I will launch more chapters today! I couldn't send more yesterday because my internet went down!


ok thanks looking forward to more