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Proof of payment for Chen, my current artist who did artwork for Velnorah, Tasha, and Lilith.

Currently the agreement is with 3 artworks per month, I give him 200 euros, as he is currently studying at a boarding school, he doesn't have much time available. This agreement may change in the future as well as the value and quantity of art he can make in the month, if he has more time available in private.

[In general, I plan one artwork each week, as there are 'generally' 4 weeks in the month, there will be four artworks per month, and I will increase this amount to 250 euros, of course, this is a hypothetical situation, my artist does not There's so much time available now.]

Then you ask me, why is it so 'cheap' compared to before? It's because it's made by an A.I, the only job he and I have is to generate, again and again, the same image until it comes out perfect and flawless, it's a time-consuming process, but it's not difficult.

Any updates, I will come back here again to tell you.

NOTE: It's actually a lot less stressful to work with a robot, you don't have to go through that whole annoying process called 'artist's ego' most of those I met after Dini had an ego the size of a planet, it was extremely irritating. Honestly, I miss Dini, I didn't know how lucky I was to have her at first, sigh.

NOTE 2: Not only was the 'artist's ego' annoying, as well as the ridiculous terms and conditions that artists have, I can actually see a future where A.I takes over various sectors, and the profession of 'code writing' will stay more valuable over time.

Anyway, back to work.

