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After members cancel their subscription, their membership level will display as 'Free'. Patreon replied to me, but there's a part I just can't wrap my head around. What does this mean?

Letter i wrote:

Regarding the membership levels, there seems to be a bug. For instance: a member subscribed to my 'Tier 2' level on the 1st of this month, but then unsubscribed on the 3rd. At this point, Patreon downgrades their membership level to 'Free'. However, according to normal logic, this member's level should remain 'Tier 2' until the end of the month, and only after the 30th should it downgrade to 'Free', as they have already paid for one month's subscription.

Reply to Patreon:

I hear your concern about some members appearing as 'Free' before the end of the month. When a member cancels their membership, they still retain their access until the end of their billing period. However, if they unsubscribe and then resubscribe on a free tier before their original access has ended, their membership level changes immediately.

It's just this sentence, I can't seem to grasp its meaning, I feel so silly!😭

Could you help me? Kiss for you!⬇️💋




他的意思是,当一个付费订阅会员在订阅到期前取消订阅了,尽管 ta 的会员等级会立刻显示为 free,但实际上 ta 直到账单日还会有对应 tier 的阅读权限权限。这里其实是官方再让你不需要担心,他们还会有应有的阅读权限。但后面那段他们确实没说清楚,如果在上面场景基础上,取消后又重新付费订阅,应该是会覆盖原有的 tier,根据新的订单来算等级和权限。


我现在比较烦恼的就是这个Free等级,一旦会员变成Free,我发给Tier 3会员的群发信息就无法发给他了,我再想想办法吧,谢谢啦。🧡