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A little late, sorry! Internet issues.

Anyway, this is going to be the final alpha version for the tech-demo as v2.4 will finally get the lewds in! I know it took some time but I really need to get the important components in to implement it, specially the audio.

For now, check out the changelog as a lot of improvements and changes took place.

heading to Version 2.4 here is the chunk of things that need to be done and expect:

Dialogue System:

Already done this back in DA Origins and I will still need to do some refactoring for Godot 4.2 since the dialogue system add-on was from Godot 3.5 and I reckon this will take less than a week to do if all goes well.

Mini Game:

I won't make this too complex as I already did something like this in Forbidden Arms and with my current Godot experience, I think this will take less dev time.

Forbidden Arms:

Unrelated to the TODO's but just fyi, I did not abandon this game. When I suffer some inevitable burnout, I still work on this on my spare time. I am slowly porting this as well to Godot 4 like once a week and it helps so much with burn out.

Dominating and Dominated Mechanic:

To have lewd scenes, we need to complete Siggy's hurt sprite animations and her new domination attack mechanic. How it works:

Dominated: If an enemy successfully hits Siggy, her armor breaks and will need time to reactivate. Without armor on, enemies will get excited and have faster chasing speed. Unlike normal attacks where impact hitbox frames are anticipated, excited enemies will dominate her if they just get close enough, which will trigger lewd scene dominated and mini game escape. Failing to escape will slash off 2 hearts.

Dominating: Siggy, with the right requirements can unleash a risky pouncing attack to dominate enemies herself. This attack will still strip her naked but a successful domination will net you more rewards, instant armor reactivation, temporary enemy specific skill and temporary power ups. Failing to dominate will slash off 1 heart.

Basically dominating is kinda like the indulge mechanic back then.

Animation Style:

I already did the animation for the Goombrio and I'll need another one for the dominating mechanic, so basically 2 minimum animations per enemy. I adjusted the styles and will tone some details down as we go along as again, I am doing everything so I may have found the right balance for quality and speed. I appreciate Animating and Coding more now as they both kill and cure me. Coding burnout? Go animate. Animating burnout? Go Code.

But yeah, all is going great and I can't wait to start working on v2.4 tomorrow!

For now, please check the last tech demo out and I will need feedback for the audio and the changes. 

Thank you again for the support! I'm very pumped for this year as we're almost there and slowly completing all needed mechanics to finally enter beta.

-kReig out!




Hi how do I run the game when it is suggesting to use the open gl3 driver? Is anyone else getting this prompt?


I'm getting the same. Getting a "Unable to initialize Vulkan Video Driver."


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omEVR4_-oCk This (link) shows the error popup and the solution (I suppose) I just can't get it to work however :(


You have no idea how glad I am to see this return! Congrats on making it work