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Windows only for now. Mac exports are throwing errors and I don't have or know shit about macs to troubleshoot atm.

This link also has a 1080p mp4 of the main gif above. I'll edit it once I finish the whole set, but atm it's on overall fps. once modified, it will play the correct fps for the scenes. Just a sample for now.


Anyway, I mentioned last month that I may end up doing the lewds myself at the cost of a week's development time. The 3 scenes above,  idle, insertion and reaction took 6 days to prepare and compile, so if I set each enemy to have 6-8 scenes total, (lewd loop1, cum and idle finish) (with 1-2 alts) I can finish one enemy to full by 2-3 months minmax.

I also picked a hybrid style of animation where I combined traditional and interpolation.

But before I finalize and take the role, do you even like this? I also mentioned streamlining the style and so far, the style I used here is borderline quality and speed. I also took a more Anime meta approach (Animeta lol) so again, I hope this would suffice.

This one below will be on hold for now as it is a game intro scene.


The battle system is as good as done! Check it out yourself in the link, as changelogs are also added now to the game.

For now, I will send players to a big enough map to battle the shrooms. Kill one and it will just respawn infinitely for now. If Siggy gets hit by the enemy, she will lose armor for 5 seconds for now just to visually represent hit box signals.

This month I'll focus on Siggy's other attacks and adding sounds so the next demos will no longer be too boring.

I'll also finish the rest of the lewd scene so I can add it in game afterwards with moans and squelches.

Anyway, thanks again for the support and I hope you like the demo for this month!
-kReig out!




same on virus


will reupload and reply tomorrow once i get home!


I edited the post for the new link and here it is as well: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1kxwqzpkqiqpc7p9ysfmh/h?rlkey=5fdmnp38a9kk4q4ke634l03wb&dl=0 It consists of 7z, .rar and .zip and the actual exe itself. But anyway, it looks like current version of Godot 4 triggers some jimmies of operating systems when the game tinkers with hiding the mouse cursor, screen size changes and i read devs getting the same problems just by google searching. I'll try to export a separate file for the assets as some say it would work, meaning the assets and exe will no longer be combined (which i hate) and hopefully by 4.2 this problem gets fixed. For now, please try the links above or exclude the file from your AV's.


Ayooo looking sick