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Hey everyone, here's some update for Divine Arms.

If you want to try out what I finished so far in terms of technical stuff, here's the LINK. (PC only for now) warning: you'll be literally playing lawnmower simulator at this initial release.

Btw I made the jump to Godot 4. Aside from the syntax changes, there was no super breaking bugs and I got accustomed to it quickly. The benefits are so worth it!

So for the list of updates:

Siggy's basic sprites are all done. I will do the rest as it gets needed. (Hurt, Special casting etc) But for now, all her movements and charging motion is done both armored and naked.

Environment: There's no trees and pillars yet as that requires something more than just upscaling. I had to redraw and patch up some old sprites but it's all catching up faster than expected. I am glad i jumped to Godot 4 as it is now easier to paint stages / rooms with its new tilemap system. Literally godsent as I used to place these manually back in flash.

The ice freezing spell is also now done! So that's another checkmark off the critical todo list. With Godot 4's new tilemap system, the ice is also auto-tiled now and they connect in both corners and sides. For reference, it used to look like this:

and now with Godot 4's auto-tiles:

I think I spent a week and a half doing blob-tile for these kinds of terrain:

floor clay,
floor grass,
wall clay,
wall grass,
frozen water,
grass path,
clay path

each blob terrain consists of 47- 48 individual tiles, so yeah, it was a lot but making stages now are as easy as literally paining them. And with Godot, you can paint them with functions, tags, collisions and all that QoL shit i wish I had back in flash.

So now the last hurdle on the list is the enemy ai. I am guessing I'll crack this in a week or two, but most of the sprites are done now for the first enemies, so it is really all about ai now. It is first priority.

About the lewd animations.

Chris Armin's patreon is higher than mine and I barely make 1k usd nowadays, so as much as I want him back, that is out of the equation. His old DA works will still be added tho.

At the moment I'm looking at two possible scenarios:
I am waiting for BSpike's schedule to be open, so if he becomes available in the next two-three months, i'll hire him. In the meantime, i'll do the layouts till he becomes available.

The other option is I'll be the one to do it. The only reason I'm dissonant to do it is because it will eat away development time, but you guys know how i animate and if you're fine with it, i'll do it myself, splitting development to 3 weeks coding/ingame visuals and 1 week animating the lewds.

In the ancient version of Divine Arms, this is what I did:

Again if you're ok with that, then I'd gladly do it. But I may need to streamline the quality a bit so it could get finished faster. Like if I made it somewhere in the spectrum of minuspal, I can finish scenes much faster for sure, but I am incapable of producing a Chris Armin quality while doing everything else.

Anyway, I already did the layout for the first scene, so if BSpike becomes available, i'll send it immediately or yeah, i'll be the one to do it.

This is an intro scene btw. More details about it soon!

So, anyway, thanks again for the support! Things are tough but I'm glad you're with me all the way! This month has been very productive and I can't wait to start the enemy ai soon!

-kReig out!




Your art / animations are amazing. I'll be patient and support you no matter which you do, but I wanted to re-affirm that I love your work


I loved the original DA so animations from you and the ones from others so whatever happens im cool with it. Overall I just love seeing more scenes w Siggy

Zero Enna

Hmmm, now I do remember times when you had tons of support for DA. I can understand that people left over the years as the channel seemingly drifted away from the original game due to Ptrn content regulations and stuff. It seems we'd need a new DA build to advertise the return of the original. Although I have no idea how one would reach former supporters of the project. Anyway, the new rendering looks awesome and I can't wait for the first new-engine build that has all the content from DA 1.96b. ^^


Yeah, its super hard as one man army again, but I will slowly update all the banners and the other things that would help visibility. I'll probly manage this once i get the first enemy lewd scene in game and the core mechanics down. Thank you thank you!


I will support you