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Still crunching through the stage demo. Personal stuff has been messing with the schedule, but I'll nail this one in a few more days. I'll just rest for a bit as I feel the stress encroaching. 

Anyway, we recently commissioned two artists for BGs. Chris prefers BGA1 while I think BGA2 is better but was saturated and did not blend well with the animations. Version B, hopefully fixes that. Still would like to hear your opinions.

Initial Sketch


BGA2 Version A:

 BGA2 Version B:

Oh that's the Fungus Brute main scene btw.
Below is the anal scene. You can switch between the two assisted with V2B or B2V transitions. (I think I posted one before this post)

See you in a few days for the demo!

-kReig out!



Hah, it's really hard to focus on the background when you have this amazing scene playing out in the middle(with changing facial expressions in the loops this time!), but these are my two cents: BG2 seems to be more detailed in general - the trees in the background seem more realistic, there are some vines hanging from the tree in the foreground (like in the new tree sprites you showed recently) plus some sticks on the ground, and that yellow plant to the left also looks like the ones that can be seen scattered throughout the old demo. Also, the grass in BG2 doesn't look...flat like the grass in BG1.


I'll be honest, I don't really see much difference between the three? Well except for the background. And I like the BG ARtist 2 versionA the most, it looks more colourful and more cheerful, more so than Nier:Automata, hehe :P. But I have to say, they look more cinematic than your last demo though I do kinda miss the flash animation you used for your last demo though that could be nostalgia there. But the cinematic look does look more of an improvement but will you still be having some classic flash look?


BG Artist 2 is better but 1 distracts less from the overall piece.


Also, could the animation have a bigger vaginal distortion? Looks rather strange to have such a large appendage go in and the vagina still remains intact in terms of size and shape


Yea, the detail in the second artist's work definitely pops, but if comes down to how much u want it to stand out with the animation :)


Voted for version B, but I want really looking at the background in either case 😋


needs a reversed facing loop where she faces the monster and an indulge oral


I agree that BG2 looks better than BG1, but contrasted with the animation it's a bit mismatched, and doesn't seem quite right. The longer I looked at it though, the less it bothered me. It's a little bit like putting a renaissance painting in a modernist frame though. I think BG2 could be greatly improved by removing the yellow flower in the middle left to make it a little less "busy". Another improvement would be increasing the contrast of the top part of the tree on the right, as it has a similar contrast as the far background, and less contrast than the lower portion of the tree. (contrast should decrease with distance due to the air, it's an important cue for the brain, so contrast values like that make it look "odd") That might also help the too saturated look as well.

Wesley Gunder

Too me while it appears that Artist 2b has more detail. taking the time to look closer shows that it actually has less detail, where as Artist 2a has more color then Artist 2b both are equal in detail. The one that actually has the most detail is Artist 1 and I like the fact that its slightly washed out to draw more attention to the action in the foreground.


I agree with Aaron. Both of his posts. Still, all look great.


These are gold, I like the extra detail in B2. Can't wait to see the demo! Great job so far!

Cyril Vaxx

I think BGA VB is my favorite. Great detail in the background, but the colors are toned down just enough to not clash with the "centerpiece." It really has a good sense of detail, while not distracting me from the main event.


As always these continue to look great. Keep up the good work.


can there be an indulge where she's facing the monster? especially on the blood Hunter maybe detailed short vids of monsters ripping armor off and getting into her?


That would be pretty nice Falxion, yea. Maybe that could be a part of the TrapDrive, where she gets really into it and just enjoys every part of the act?

Jonathan Marlow

so it's been a few days. how about that demo?


Will reply to everyone soon. I'm cracking the new tutorial stage and I'm done. with the stage demo. Giving me a hard time since its been months since i touched the script for the tutorial. If it takes way too much time, I'll skip it, but stage demo will be ready soon.