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Hey guys, sorry it's taking too long. Had some huge issues with the dialogue manager add on and I'll explain in the next post, but all is finally good with it, but it took a lot of dev time off me.

Another problem I am currently facing is the weather. We have been having 45-50º temps lately and it even busted the AC, so the only time I can start working is around 5pm onwards.

And with my kid and personal stuff, I need to be in bed by 1am, so it significantly slashed dev time off. I do the scripts and planning in the morning til 5 tho, but that's still time away from actually devving.

I did however completed most of the introduction / initial gamestage dialogues and scripts to the ladies you see above.

I still need to do a script run for the enemy prisoners you can to recruit, so yeah, these NPC's are different as they need to be dynamic compared to the ladies above who has a more linear approach to obtaining.

The prisoners have special variables like, food, condition, and interest meters that you need to play around with to recruit, but you'll get to play it once I get the codes in, so please stay tuned!

What's currently missing:

Finishing the dynamics of the prisoner recruitment system.
Finishing and ready the sound bus for sfx, moans, bgm, and ui to prepare to add the lewd scenes.

I hope everyone understands the situation. The dialogue add on is no longer an issue, but there's no current work around for the heat yet. Your support this month will help getting the AC repaired tho!

The visuals above are all placeholders but that's basically the design for those characters.

Anyway, thanks for understanding and see you in a week!

-kReig out!




update. got sick for a week. felt like mild covid, but I recovered now and working as fast as possible.