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There's no evading Christmas season specially with family pressure, so I apologize if I post this a few days late for a weekly update. I really hate holiday rush and traffic ugh.

Anyway, most of Bloodhunter indulge sequence are done. Footjob sequence in the title post was already midway, so I had it done for color tests and sync. Since Chris does the animations at a traditional 24fps and the game runs at 30, you already see the problems we face. But I already solved this thru code, so no worries.

Below is one of the sequence for inside cumming. All sequences are already done and is 80% colored but since we will still send it as rewards in the future, the animation above will probably the last one I'll post that is colored.

Background news-----

I was flagged for money laundering since hiring Chris so I am having a bit of a hard time hiring BG artists. I could not hire Reddart because of this. 

Local talent is my only chance but it's hard to get one this month. I worked around with the tiling problem anyway, so I can hire any artist without requiring them to follow rules as strict.

I also enhanced the visuals a bit and finished tree parts. This will give me 5-10 different kinds of tree design to beat the tiling problem. They look like this now:

I'm currently coding how enemy works for the new demo. 

Before, enemies just spawn at specific locations when triggered by the player, now most of them will already be roaming as you enter an area and will attack you if they see you at a certain distance.

This will be a hard task and a rewrite of existing algorithms, but I can finish this road to raw'd milestone this year. (Just pray to whoever god we don't get hit by that incoming christmas typhoon)

kReig out!




Man, all those animations are absolutely 10/10.


Flagged for money laundering?! Man, whatever law put you under such suspicion sucks...What doesn't suck, however, is all the other stuff in this post! Chris is outdoing himself with these animations! And I shall pray to the all-mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster that no more typhoons hit you!


oh wow, those animation are very nice :)


it's TOTALLY ok, as i TOTALLY understand!(get it? totally, because totally? XP)

Cyril Vaxx

Nice BGs and animations. :) Thanks for the update, and sorry for the flagging drama slowing things down. Hope it all works out and everything starts to go smoothly for you and the crew. Keep up the good work! :)

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

You are fretting too much over things that don't particularly deserve as much energy. As a meme once said; "Keep calm and work tirelessly" You already have the tireless part down, now just calm the fuck down and tackle one problem at a time. Everything will work itself out if you just take a breather every now and then. Remember to breathe, or you'll collapse and get sick. Which is no better. You guys have been doing amazing work with an excellent track record. The money laundering thing is probably just a competitor being jealous of your progress and tried to soil your reputation. Remember Breeding Season's fiasco? Then you know what I'm talking about. Don't let that discourage you and fight for what you believe in.

Wesley Gunder

hmmmm.... Well glad for the update, although I never knew contract labor to be direct cause of money Laundering. Now granted from the states here we have plenty of contractors that commit money laundering but they are never considered the cause more a result to protect against it. So that part just will not make much sense to me. Now advice time partner, as other have said just worry bout the stuff you can control anything else ain't worth the effort!


The animations look great! What will Chris be animating next?


Thanks. He'll get Rapevine scene, think. Maybe I'll get it in a vote. Depends on him.


Thanks! I've disputed the flagging for money laundering. I am very used to this with paypal in the past as anything above 1k usd will automatically flag you anyway for their 'security purposes' but I'll work something out with wire transfers next time.


Haha thanks! can't help but worry sometime, tho. But you do have a point. Maybe I should start learning Hamon. (That's a jojo reference) as for the laundering Iit is not really a big deal, but a pain in the ass since... BANKS.


I've disputed the flagging for money laundering. I am very used to this with paypal in the past as anything above 1k usd will automatically flag you anyway for their 'security purposes' and Chris gets a lot more than 1k a month. But I'll work something out with the wire transfers next time. The problem with wire transfers is I have to convert everything back to dollars after being converted from dollars. And the banks does not allow you to send it directly. Meaning, I need to manually withdraw it in my local currency, convert it back to dollars from the black market / third party / wherever, just produce the dollars. Go back to the bank and have them send it to Chris but only after 7 working days of clearing. - And I have to do this every month LOL. rAmen!