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I finished the backgrounds and other miscellaneous coding (can't stay away too long coding or i'll build up rust) - Now to explain why the backgrounds needed rework, the outsoruced BG artist and I had some communication problems. Some artists just don't know how a map tileset works, so I had to do a template so the BG artist will do the rest. (doodads, extra variations etc)

They need to be seamless and on a strict pixel count and coordinates or they will not work. This method saves time when I do the next task: Apply the BG as actual stages. 

 So in other words, the tiles above (300x300 per tile)... can be rearranged to do stages like below. 

(Doodads, cracks and other random design will be added later. But for now, the actual stages must work with one another) - I also sent some basic sketches (below) and layout for the forest and ruins. I hope the BG artist can make it work this time.


(RightClick or MiddleMouseClick links to new tab) 

I totally forgot to do public posts since most of the recent posts have NSFW image intros and Patreon has been strict with it lately, but for the ones not updated, ViperV has a new animator, Chris Armin.

We have changes in the art and animation direction as we needed to do a lot of catching up. 

Check out his tumblr account here.

Here are more NSFW links for the stuff he's currently done for Divine Arms.




We also had a voting a post ago about the Indulge finish scene and, sorry, footjob lovers, you lost

But I've good news. Well, because of timezones, Chris needed to work on something so here's an animated sketch of the footwork

When the inside scene is done, we'll still do the footjob.

Thanks for the support, everyone. I'll reply to all messages tomorrow.

-kReig out




Thanks for the update!


Tasty updates.


Looks amazing! Can't wait for more. Keep up the good work kReig.


Keep up the good works! Chris Armin is one hell of a talented animator out there, I'm really excite to see his work in your game!

Jorge Ricardo Teixeira de Queiroz de Freitas

Good to see that even people who voted for the foot job will still win something! I'm really not into it but it's good to see that you care for them as well. Looking forward to the next developments :D


so is there an updated copy of the demo yet


Nick.....there's a bloody map man.......


So now that the line-art animation and color drafts are public, maybe Chris could put them on his tumblr to help promote the game? Seems like a great way to attract some new patrons.


We plan to do this after we rework and republish the campaign page. Right now, the output had to be converted to vector for flash, but we plan to reward patrons with the original versions of Chris' animations in HD.