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Thanks to Multiworld Software, for the inline image tip. Gonna edit my babyrage rant now haha.

So you're seeing the cleanup of the bloodhunter indulge scene in the main post while this one below is the lined version. My .gif convertion is being shitty again, so this one's a bit slow on the frame rate.

As for the BG, I found out what I did not like about the last set, but I'm getting there soon and will finish in a day or two. Setting it up better this time so outsourced BG artists can better understand how I do tiling.

Anyway, some of you guys love Chris's art, and some of you do not. 

For those who do not, you gotta bear with me a bit here, guys. We need the project to move and if I will still do the animations, this game is never gonna get finished. I will probably animate again when I am NOT the one coding and game designing. So please give Chris a chance. If you still disagree, I would understand and feel free to lower or remove your support anytime. (You will still get the game / rewards / demo in your email when it's out)

-kReig out!




Why is it you wanted the balls removed, anyway?


Lore. Tribe warriors and basically all male bloodhunters have very small and internal balls. they kinda 'evolved' into it and are not really allowed to reproduce. (can of course, fuck) and the only hunter with the HUGE one is/are the chiefs. So, yeah expect the Bloodhunter Chief (Boss Enemy) to have huge balls. (ok really gonna sleep now)


Looking better and better! Will the new scenes have mini-phases like the Ganker and regular Bloodhunter scenes do (pre-sex, normal sex, "overdrive mode", finish) and will Siggy have changing facial expressions during the scenes (again like in the Ganker one)?


Looks nice! And apparently you can still add images to posts, if this link is accurate (and works in a comment): <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/217874223-How-do-I-add-inline-images-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/217874223-How-do-I-add-inline-images-</a>

Scott Henderson

Wow. This is already almost fappable...I can't imagine how good this is all going to look when it's finished. I'm so glad to see that this game is going to be 100% quality all the way through.

Angel Girl

Personally I love it! Anything to get the game out faster. Art styles are subjective anyway. Looks great!


Thanks! and yeah, I just edited the post with the help of that link.


Yes nothing will change, but probably add a 'finish' scene on indulge. Chris and I had a 4 hour talk at skype trying to get everything working as original as possible. Specifically converting from SAI to Photoshop to Illustrator to Flash. Madness but managable.


Hey man, it's understandable, when your project get's bigger, you've no choice but to delegate and get help to make the project go forward. Maybe you can ask Chris to do a speedpaint or live stream like DarkCookie and we see him creating the animations or drawings, I'm sure people will then be attracted to his work. Btw, will the game come out with a codex explaining each monster ?


Fears have been assuaged for now. Fappable, and still recognizable. Carry on you glorious porn makers.