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Game Progress Alpha v1.30 Link 

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Hello everyone! Here's the new alpha demo and changelogs below:

I didn't get to finish the new enemies as the ai and the setup was harder than expected. but that will be top priority as it will be a reusable resource once I get to crack how it plays out. Learning from the enemies I made in Forbidden Arms, I am going for a different and improved approach.

Also, my adobe license has expired. Surprisingly I can still use it no problem, but I think I have like less than a week before it locks the app, so I will be trying Blender's Greasepencil to do the lewds on for a week or two.

I did try it for a few hours and my head still hurts wrapping around it.

If workflow gets better and I find it a better option, I'll stick with it. Else, I'll go back to Adobe's collar.

Anyway, it was more about gameplay stuff this month and I'll probably slowly add in sounds and improve visuals a bit much further as I go. But yeah, since the house/rooms are already in, getting the lewds in the game is already in the horizon.

Do check the demo out and see the changes.
The zoom in/out feature is a game changer!

Thanks always for the support!

-kReig out!



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