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Hi everyone. Apologies for being quiet for months.
I'll get straight to the situation I was in and the state of everything.

Before the start of 2022, me and my family faced a multitude of challenges.

It's a bit too personal to say the whole story here, but to sum it up, in my country, it is tradition/common to live with relatives/in-laws. When covid hit, everyone in the family circle lost their jobs and some even got infected.

So for a while, it was an unwanted baton that got passed to us to provide for a family of three. It was manageable until my wife lost her work as well. (company got covid bankrupt)

Argument ensue after breaking the news that it is no longer possible to sustain the situation and we will be moving out to fend for our own (me, my wife and my kid). 

To end that, story, it ended up in violence.

So there we were moving out by December of 2021.

It was thanks to your patronage that we were able to move out.

However, it was still not enough, so i borrowed some money from a friend to ease things after we moved out.

I had to find work and a sideline to get by.
My wife does art commissions, taking care of the kid and most of the chores now.

Forbidden Arms had like 2-4 hours of dev time a week and it was mostly just to fix some bugs. 

DSpike's contract also ended last February, so no more new sprite animations from him as I could not afford it after anyway.


After working my ass up for months, I finally paid back the money i owe my friend and to get us settled in the mountains. (yes we live on a mountain province. surprisingly decent internet, too.)

However, I won't be able to do any dev work if I am still stuck with local work, so some months ago, I asked that same friend to help me get a bigger loan. 

There were some hiccups with the percentages but it was approved!

I resigned. And now I am officially unemployed!

If my calculations are right, with your patronage and the loan and commissions, I can remain unemployed for 10-14 months to go full-time dev.

(yes, commissions as well. I plan to take 1-2 comms a month)


I won't be doing Forbidden Arms.
Because 1, no sprite animator.
And 2, it's currently under a major bug redo with the hitboxes. 

I don't want to spend the first 3 months under loan-time to do bug fixes.
It is not abandoned. But the critical fix is badly needed for it to continue.
I badly also need a fresh start.
FA leaves a bad taste in my mouth as it was what I was doing when the whole in-laws family bullshit and lockdowns were happening.

I will be doing a side-scroll action/defense game for Divine Arms!

So why not the top down divine arms? 

Well, again, no sprite animator. The game I will be doing will have the least amount of animations to hit the loan deadline.

Forbidden Arms enemies have a lot of action states. Top down Divine Arms have double.

In other words...

1 enemy in Divine Arms = I can make 2-3 enemies in Side-scroll Divine Arms.
1 enemy in Forbidden Arms = I can make 3-4 enemies ins SDA.

So in a 4 week timeframe, this is how my schedule will go:

Week1: Finish 1 Lewd animated scene
Week2: Finish ingame visuals like animated sprites or UI
Week3: Code
Week4: Finish commissions.

If Patreon goes up at least $500, I stop getting commissions and continue week four to do more code.

As for the gameplay, you'll get to test alpha 1 around July or earlier.
I already started coding it months ago in whatever spare time i get.
But it should be ready as playable soon!

Btw, since the NFT project was a flop, we'll still have to abide by Patreon's rules.
Sucks, but don't worry I can still have it sexy despite vanilla and I also stopped doing NFT's for some time now.

Anyway, if you are familiar with an old game of mine called Witch Hunt:
(skip to 0:47 for the gameplay)

It will have this kind of defense game with the exception of player being able to move around and not stuck to one spot. You will also be travelling on a flying island.

As for the lewd parts, here's how it goes:

There's a minimum of 10-12 total lewds.
(following the week 1  schedule.)

Enemies will come in groups, say... a group of Elves.
In any given group, there will be females.
So a female elf appears? Drop her health low enough, then snipe her with a special arrow, and just like a pokemon, she will become your property!

Once she become yours, you will find her in the headquarters.
You can task her to assist battle.
Have her go on an expedition for a few days.
Or fuck her every night with a choice to impregnate her!
(She gives birth to powerful relics that can be used in battle) 

Originally, you also have the choice to sell her (and virginity comes with a higher price), but I am not so sure yet about that part if it's allowed on the platform. Will come later after a few Patreon rule research.

But basically, that's it! 

Really stoked to do this fulltime once again starting tomorrow!

Thank you everyone for staying and sticking with me in these hard times.
You guys helped me big time!

It's all or nothing now with this loan!
Hopefully I can have new and old patron support back.

All I ever need is to get to $3,000 a month to sustain the fulltime and pay off the loan in 18 months.

Again, thank you for being there in these dark times.
You guys saved my sanity and marriage!

-kReig out!




For me your NFT Series is a great one. Do love the Artwork there and the theme. Still love the CCC collection. <3


We stand behind you.