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Hey everyone, I was thinking about the Indulge mechanic lately and I figured it would be greater if I made them a separate animation scene just like the game over loops. (only this time, the indulge scenes will have a climax and not just a loop)

Of course Siggy, this time will enjoy the moments. I'm still not sure if I will add powerups based on mini-game performance  or just let the player select the indulge powerup themselves so the players can just enjoy the loop scenes. (tilting towards the latter)

Here's another rough sketch for the BloodHunter this time.

Unfortunately, these won't make it to the next playable demo, unless you guys are fine delaying it again for a couple of months and I'll be sure to get these scenes in. lol.

As for the playable demo, I'll get it done and sent before my birthday (July 13th) - I wish I could finish it sooner, but I can't work on the game for a few days because of doctors orders. I've been mismanaging my health again lately and I need to do a little recovery. (bloody stools and other symptoms are back) Need to be away from the computer and get my body clock to sleep again earlier. Actually, I think my wife will kill me as she's at the door staring at me while I am typing this post at 5am lol. But yeah, this is the last day I'll be sleeping late.

(I'll reply to all the messages when I get back!)

Let's hope she won't kill me. lol. -kReig out.




I understand you're trying really hard to get us something playable but please put your own health first. That said, I am excited about the improved indulge mechanic.


Looking forward to seeing more but your health first man :-)


Good idea on the separate scenes! More Siggy, more content ++ Do what you got to do man, or your wife is going to indulge on your head with a blunt object! Awesome concept for the first sketch, being submersed in the blob, removing restrictions from a artistic perspective. + super hot!


Health is extremely important. Take your time. Those who are truly supporting you understand if it takes longer. The new indulge mechanic sounds great.


Take care of yourself man, the game is great but not worth ruining your health over, take whatever time it takes to recover and don't worry about the people who complain, your health is more inportant.


Health first definitely. Game is looking great


As usual I am in love with the sketches you've drawn here. Excellent work! I really like the idea of the indulge scenes having Siggy look really into it!


huh, I figured blood sweat and tears was just a figure of speech....


I actually remember you mentioning something about bloody stools in a comment here a while ago. Definitely take care of your health above all else. And I hope you survived your encounter with your wife lol. Anyway, it's awesome that you've decided to include even more scenes for the game, instead of just changing the facial expressions as was the plan initially(which was a great idea in itself). Divine Arms is really going to blow everyone away with the amount and quality of its content!


No matter what, health first >_


Happy early birthday!


No matter what keep the game play solid if it makes the game itself a lower quality/less fun avoid it

Scott Henderson

I absolutely love the idea of having separate scenes for the indulgence... That being said, if you die, none of this will matter, so get yourself better first. P.S. : Nice to hear from ya!


Pretty much what every one else has already said. The quality of this game is what really made me love your work so much. I'd like to see that to the end. If it takes longer so be it. You won't be able to finish the game if you're dead. Reminds me of SDT. The creator of that game just up and vanished 2 years ago or something. Make something you're proud of and keep working on that instead of trying to cater to timelines. Your work is great and thank you for the updates.


Lol July 13 is my b-day so it will be like a gift :P


Take it easy man, I would rather have you be in good shape and then do the game rather than bedridden.


First off I would like to say the following: Take care of yourself first. I'd rather have a the game(demo in this case) be delayed then have a you getting even more ill. Second: I really like the idea of the new Indulge mechanic, though its gonna be a lot more work for you but if you can handle it I don't mind(again do take care of yourself more) Lastly: I glad that you are keeping us updated on everything and the sketches that you add almost every update are amazing. I do hope you keep up the fantastic work.


I would like to echo everybody else in the comments. Take care of your health for. Projects (even passion projects) are not worth getting sick over. That being said. I like the sound of the indulgence mechanic, but I would suggest finish up the current demo first before setting of on another adventure. As a fellow coder I know full well the pitfalls of "Maybe I'll add this in before I show it, and maybe this ... " :) tldr; take care first, demo later :)


Health first! With that said, is it really a good idea to have separate animations for indulge? I mean, sure I'd like to see them myself, but that's be basically doubling the number of animations to do. As you mentioned, you are making a game, yet this would take a humongous amount of work that is not game-related. Feature creep is the #1 killer of games, and I'd personally vote against that feature for this reason.


Taking the game-over animations into account, it'd be more like 50% more scenes, which is still a whole lot, but if kReig and his helpers think they can do it, then why not go all out? In the end, it means more hentai and everyone is happy. Sure, I guess this might push back the DASH edition somewhat, but again, we would be getting more content anyway with these Indulge scenes. Also, the game engine and mechanics seem to be at a very advanced stage already, so I don't think the actual gameplay will suffer from it.