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Hey guys! Sorry for the absence, but just in case you're wondering, I'm very much alive. Not much sleep, but yes, alive and has not stopped developing the game.

I am doing all my best to get a working and playable demo next month and my silence just means I'm in void state. No mind. Just doing this thing like a madman everyday.

I opt out to showing a bit of progress because it's currently at a very dull moment. Tedious to be exact. But I get all emails and messages everyday, poking me for an update, so, yeah, again, I'm very much alive and working, just focusing too much of this that I forget the time and my last post was already almost half a month ago...

SO! What boring stuff am I up to right now, is basically working on the expressions for the Bloodhunter Scene. The core scene has been done  for a long while now, but polishing and expressions are always done last so it don't mess up and is in sync with the same mechanics as the previous and the next scenes.

At any rate, here's what I mean by working on the expressions.

See those black dots? those are called keyframes, and the expressions, along with other intricate stuff are done by keyframe by keyframe animations.

If you used flash before, you can say "but it's easy to animate things! you just let the program do it for you" - Sure! those things can work but at very limited shapes and display. That's what the blue bars at the top are for. The arrow from point A to B is called motion tweening done automatically by flash. Yet to still produce quality animation, you need to know when and how to use tweening and combining it with keyframe by keyframe animation. And those things are done by hand EVERY SINGLE FRAME.

To show you a bit of the madness, it looks like this:

(rightclick and open in newtab because patreon's html format is shit)  

That's just part of the scene. The red arrows show the stuff not displayed in my monitor (will probably get an ultrawide monitor next month to ease the pain) And that's not the end of it! Some of those dots have their own timeline like it inside them containing its own frames and keyframes.


So there's a lot of matrix stuff going on here just to animate things well and produce something like THIS.

(rightclick and open in newtab because patreon's html format is shit)

Anyway, those takes a lot of time to do. And I'm finishing it, so before the game gets playable, I'll be able to send the polished animation as rewards.

Again, sorry for the absence. A lot of stuff has happened personally and I just really had to focus and catch up, but not a single day has passed that I did not work on the game. As soon as I catch up on things, I'll get myself scheduled and post more frequent here and show screenshots of boring stuff like this post.

NOW for less boring stuff and just something I had to share...

Did you know that the original Divine Arms project was from 2010?

(rightclick and open in newtab because patreon's html format is shit)

It had a different storyline (still connected but much older than the current one) and different gameplay than it is now.

The heroine apparently has no... arms, and was blessed by a mighty seraph with full control over his own hands.

(Truth is I was lazy animating the hands and I was very incapable of programming her hand in 360º so I had to do a gimmick as part of the story. I was like... "Hey! Rayman got away with it!")

At that time, I was working for hentaikey and other works, so I was not able to finish the game. It was also too ambitious for my noobish coding skills at the time and was made from a depreciated language (as2) but maybe, someday I can get back to developing it for you guys to play. 

On the bottom right of the pic is the very old design and construction of Siggy's gamesprite.

Anyway, hope you guys dig! 

Now... I'm going back to work! Again, I'm ALIVE!

*rolls boulder to close dev cave

-kReig out 




I am not an animator but I am taking a timeline animation course for school and I can say with out a doubt you are a better person than I am(and drawer) I would not have the patience to animate frame by frame. I'm also a new patreon so Hi found your demo on newground thought it looked beautiful and fun at the same time look forward to supporting you from now on.


Keep up the great work. Looking forward to when everything is perfect ^-^

Scott Henderson

Happy birthday to me! Thanks, Viper. She has wonderful tatas and I never get tired of seeing them. I also love her expressions...so sexy. Again, don't hurt yourself for our sakes. Just do what you can at a pace you believe is right. Thanks again for the BOOBS.


***Reposting from memory because bloody Patreon just ate my comment somehow! I really wish they would also fix how comments are displayed, so it doesn't look like I'm always posting walls of text!*** Haha, you actually named the post "Boobs for attention" like some people suggested in the comments :D Anyway, that looks nightmarish O_O...for you that is, us players will just reap the sweet fruits of that work haha(That short clip already looks amazing!). Getting this sneak-peek into the development process was actually very intriguing, not at all "boring"! Damn, after seeing all this magic at work, I feel bad for seeming a bit disappointed about the delays in my previous comments...take all the time you need! Oh, and it was really interesting to see how Divine Arms started way back in 2010. The hentai community is truly blessed to have such an experienced and talented developer join the ranks! For anyone who hasn't played his other great SFW games, I really recommend checking them out on Newgrounds while waiting for the new demo, especially "Witch Hunt" : <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/651892" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/651892</a> I have somehow managed to sink 6 and half hours into it so far, more time than it takes to finish a Call of Duty campaign these days lol: <a href="http://imgur.com/rqTLotI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/rqTLotI</a>


Yay! It's very cool! Your animations is always great and now i understand why :D


You make great content, and I don't mind waiting. It's just really great to hear from you every once in a while. Even if it's "boring" stuff like this, it makes me feel like I'm getting something, so I feel happier about supporting you. :)

Scott Henderson

^This. You can use posts to just say hi once in a while. I don't think most of us mind. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who thinks you're just a really cool dude.


Hi! In fact, the animation in flash it's very hard. Even the automatic motion tweening need a lot of adjust. I do flash animations too and this kind of manual adjust for the right sync are a true pain! Keep working, it looks very good. Thanks for the update!


GAME ARENT HARD! GIVE MY MUNZ BACK!!! jk ....really though its not easy guys. Calm your butts. Viper is offering a service to make a game. We are DONATING money for updates on the game. At least we get updates . unlike some other Patreons. Now to take my drug.......Overwatch.


I'm a 20$ a month patreon because your game is one of the highest quality ones I have seen in a long time. It's completely understandable that it's going to take a while to finish and I'm completely happy with your 1 post/2ish weeks style. Lets me know you're still dedicated ( / alive) even though life is busy and keeps me anticipating the next big release. Don't worry too much about the impatient patreons. When the next demo is released I'm sure you'll acquire them all back as well as some new supporters. Keep up the good work :D

Scott Henderson

I can't find a single comment where people are freaking out....so who exactly is supposed to calm down?


Aaand, Daily Motion appear to have taken down the animation preview already. I guess Patreon attachments are still the most reliable way to show NSFW content.


jeez i even got my account banned haha. I'd try to reupload something from vimeo or another site later.


After Divine Arms, I may have to switch to 3D and study it. I think it's better to animate there.


Holy shit you finished it. Do you think it would have been a hit if I entered the nsfw scene with a gameplay like Witch Hunt? That was originally the plan, but I already have DA engine to demonize, so I did that instead.


Thanks cole. glad you dig my work. oh and most of my patrons probably came from newgrounds haha.


It's quite cool to see how long Siggy's gamesprite already exists (bottom right version).


I love the *roll boulder to close dev cave* at this end of the post ! From what i did see on the demo, it was very well animated and the graphics were pretty good, i don't regret pledging 20$ to you !