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Almost done with the new playable demo!!

There's just minor hiccups with the new map system and syncs with the Rapevine scene animation. (The horror of syncing 3 animations) But after that, some initial branding and a ton of tests, we'll be able to deploy the demo and rewards to the correct tiers very soon.

I, however can not fully guarantee that the game over animation will be in its polished state because I will still need time to polish this. The animator cuts about 60% of the labor, but I still finalize everything. Not to mention code and do everything else... so, for the next demo, it may be displayed as rough as the ATTACHMENT (goanimupdate.mp4 = minor animation update NSFW!) It is incomplete in many forms, like details, extra tentacles, shading, tongue animation, etc etc. Also, enemies with no gameover loop for now will just splash a gameover text. (or the sketch of that GameOverScene.


If you command Siggy to Indulge when in a Sexzattack scene, it's the same thing when you're resisting. 

For now, please know that it's gonna change in the future. 

After every 5 finished enemy, we will add indulged facial expression on Siggy. Despite Siggy hating tentacles, yeah, she needs to acquire to the taste.

Anyway, thanks again for the undying support. Really trying beyond best catching up at everything even at the expense of sleep and personal time. (I still owe 3 patrons drawings. really sorry :( will deliver it as soon as this playable demo is launched.)


...hides the campaign profile and I wish there's a way to PIN a post for FAQ and important stuff, but yeah it's a total mess right now. Not very user and creator friendly, so

 for those who have NOT played the FIRST DEMO, the link is here:


INITIAL DEMO EXE FILE or play it on Newgrounds.

Thanks again!

-kReig out!



Nice, good luck.

von Boomslang

You know, that reminds me... will there be option of seeing sex scenes without them being basically "you screwed up" situations? I'm really hoping this doesn't end up being another h-game where you either play well, or see the good stuff.

Hank Rillek

I'm looking forward to the new demo!

Jorge Ricardo Teixeira de Queiroz de Freitas

Thanks for the hard work! I'll probably not be eligible to get the demo version by the time it gets out, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it. Keep up the good work :D


Actually, it would be even better if the new demo is released in May when all the payments have been processed, since you said you were going to distribute the first new demo according to the total amount a person has pledged so far(I assume 20$+ worth of pledges gets you the demo as soon as it's released, i.e. 3 weeks earlier? ). Also, how will releases work in the future? Will new versions be released as soon as they're ready to 20$+ tiers, a week later to 10$ tiers, etc.? This method will definitely attract scammers, so perhaps you have something else in mind? It will probably be in the FAQ, but it's worth asking I guess.

Scott Henderson

She's going to have an 'indulge' expression? That's so hot. I love the idea of her just giving in and saying 'fuck it, this feels awesome.'


Wow! can't wait, can't wait, can't wait,... wait! Don't rush. I'll wait (but I can't wait!! XD )


Is this going to be save game compatible with the old demo so I don't have to grind again?


Yeah it's been planned for DASH, but I think it needs to be present in the vanilla version and I think it's better that way. Only problem I have is it was not in the original plan, so it will take a few tinkers to the established animation phase.


i'm not sure how it will attract scammers? patreon has an indicator if pledges got through. i simply won't be sending it to pledges that did not. But for the next updates, since I'm sure it won't take as long as the first (overhaul) update, it will have the same rules as before unless I can keep a steady schedule of updates (1 enemy / scene / gameover animation loop per 1-2 months) As for the May release, I can't promise what week because there's still a ton to do and test. The animations make up 80% of the game's development effort. I'm literally shitting blood trying to finish this rofl.


Good work! :)


Fantastic idea about upgraded facial expressions! Makes sense and adds depth to gameplay.


>After every 5 finished enemy, we will add indulged facial expression on Siggy. Despite Siggy hating tentacles, yeah, she needs to acquire to the taste. Will this be optional? I don't really like mind mind break or ahegao, that sort of thing always seems out of character in my opinion, I would rather just stick with the regular expression of discomfort. Also- little bit confused by the DASH thing. If I stay a $3 patron for 5 months does that count?


id like to apologize for not being able to support the past couple months mostly due to my financial situation ill be try to support here soon however and the realease looks awesome! the time and effort your putting into this game is great and much appreciated

Scott Henderson

Whoever said anything about Mind Break or Ahegao? He just said she's going to 'enjoy' it. I imagine that might include her smiling and drooling a little maybe...I doubt he'd have her just lose her mind completely.


It is very impressive to me how just a few people can put together a serious project on par with studios. Let me just say it again: this is fantastic work, looks very inspired and fresh! As opposed to so many h-game sidescrollers... Dear kReig, please take your time and keep up the quality! Over time your pledges will grow as the demo reaches more people. It would be awful to start cutting corners for sakes of faster releases. Case in point: Vosmug with his Xenotake and Vera Ghost Hunter projects takes years to complete a game and in the end his work is memorable and stands out. As opposed to so much trash games out there that is mind-numbingly repetitive and feel rushed. You've got a great thing going. Take your time. It is so worth it!


Take your time, and thank you for the previous support!


You honor me Dmitry! Yeah, it would be a dream for me if the games I made become memorable like Vosmug's and many other stellar hgames. I will definitely continue the quality control with divine arms. I love working on it. Sometimes life just get in the way :p - I do hope you'd still be interested if I ever make an h-game sidescroller, because that's what i have in mind after divine arms.


this game is one of the best ive played! I am very eager to both play the game and donate to the good cause!


maaaaaan full version pleeeaaase I can't waaait!!!


Hi ViperV, I REALLY WANT Play Future Game Updates Earlier!


Very nice