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Just sent this setup to the animator. To those who don't know what I mean by setup; basically, all the pieces here including hair, limbs and body parts are layered to be animated. You may notice the mirrored hand and plain looking visuals. That's normal. Because as soon as the animator is done with the animation info, it will be polished. I'll be including this game over animation in the next update!

Speaking of updates, yeah, I know, it's been a while, but I am really pushing everything beyond my limits to hopefully deliver it soon. If I no longer get showstoppers, it's gonna be finished this month. (Been stressed by a fuckton lately, but I love working on this game so much, I'm willing to suffer from it.)

Here's a sneak-peak preview of Bloodhunter Scene.

(rightclick and open in a new tab)

I'm currently working on Siggy's facial expressions (main reason shading is currently absent in the preview) and this scene is 100% done.

We will also be having GAME OVER animations with Bloodhunter, Rapevine and Fungus brute and all enemies for this game. I will soon start a voting post to decide which sexual position you'd like the game over scenes to look. And before I do the sketches, you can message me or link pictures here for ideas you'd like to see. I'll pick 3 of them per enemy, do a layout and have a voting.

Thanks for those believing in this project and continuously supporting! The new alpha demo will be in your inbox soon, I promise.

-kReig out!




Awesome! Looks great! Good luck with everything!!


When this is released, it's going to make all other hentai games seem like Pong in comparison. You are making hentai history here :D


Wow wow wow!! So much info and many good news! Keep going, looks great!


Just the fact that a only a handful of people working on public donations can deliver a studio-quality product is amazing to me! The whole project is looking very fresh: from great design choices in monsters to the overall color palette and fun game mechanics. You seriously have something great at works here.


Awesome work! :3

CJ Campbell

Great works. I love her feet, sexy choice on the blue toes ^_^* <3


Good work mate keep it up :)

Scott Henderson

Wow, you're still 100 from your goal but you're going to animate the game over scenes anyway? That's pretty generous. I do not regret pitching in for this at all. Every new picture and animation just gets me excited all over again.


This is sooo good! <333


By the gods these are beautiful <3 Love your art work. So glad I jump on this project :) Keep it up! Very excited for the next demo


Amazing! I'll be looking for some inspirational photos to keep the mind...and body ;)... excited for ya!


YAAAY! congrats on reaching 8,000 dollars a month! :D


Congrats on reaching $8000 a month!!


By the god of awesome, congrats on hitting the $8000 goal. Lets push a bit more to get the next goals :D


It was already a GO signal after getting help from the animator. It was harder to be sure when I was solo. :D


Thanks! Can't wait for you guys to play the next demo.


Anyone can feel free to correct me, but this can be the first time this has ever been done in a hentai game... if there happens to be bosses for some stages, with minions leading up to the boss, a game over scene can have the minions doing a sex scene to siggy, but if you lose against the boss, it'll be the exact same scene for a brief second, before the boss just smacks them out of his way and starts on siggy. The camera angle can just show the waist area of the boss and it would have the same effect of imagery, while making it easy to modify the animation TLDR: duplicate a game over scene, but add a twist to the scene if you gameover during a boss battle of that level


Not sure how to post a picture but I have something that gives a bit more imagery to the concept