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Everyone can try the prototype here: EXE LINK 

There's not much but just testing the 4 basic spells, but the over-all movement, collision and spell system should be working now. Will be working on the AI soon but here's the gist:


Most of the assets, I have saved in svg format, so scaling them to HD will be no problem.

Siggy, atm will remain in placeholder mode, and I decided not to use the old sprites because one, it does not look great scaled up. Second, I plan to streamline the animations because we're having different armor and costumes! It just won't work with the old format specially how Godot handles display differently than flash.

In the flash version, you will see Siggy have dynamic torso and leg rotations. In this streamlined version, it will be a normal 8-way view.

Its a good trade off for costumes and armor visuals if you ask me.

Controller Support:

I don't know who likes playing on controllers, but I preferred it on Forbidden Arms. On Divine, however, it will not be a priority.

That said, if you try the prototype now, I have removed the hold-to-charge mechanic and made spell casting a toggle.


Since Forbidden Arms is now engine complete, workload can pour a bit more on Divine Arms. FA was never intended to be a long game, and more like an arcade and resonant version of the original Forbidden Arms (Safe For Work), so 5 Bosses and 5 Enemies are its minimum requirement.


The majority of April, I have been building the lewd player to be used for both FA and DA. And now that Godot has launched its 3.3 version, we will most likely to go the .webm route for playback. We'll see it all in action by June, so this includes the majority of FA's lewd scenes.

As for DA, I will start adding those, too, including the new scenes we've finished and Chris Armin's old animations will also be included as unlockables. Btw, those were exported in 800x600 so we'll have them play at 1080x1080 in the Godot version. The Slugwyrm scene is also in the works, so stay tuned for that.

After prototype:

Was honestly super stressed doing the lewd player so I decided to make the prototype the whole last week of the month and I glad I did. I will do the Enemy AI soon and camera so expect another playable prototype demo soon. Hopefully by July we'll have an alpha version up.

Thanks everyone, for the support. We'll soon have Siggy back!

-kReig out!




Keep up the good work!


gj dude


When will divine arms be completed