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Edit: So, Patreon's posting and formatting tool is still shit and html is still in fucking useless buggy beta. Please just rightclick and open the images in a new tab to view in its original size. Hope they fix this soon because it has been a pain in the ass.

Rapevine Sex scene:

So, for those who have not seen the Rapevine layout, here it is again, with a bit of improvement and is now a few more adjustments before it's sent to the animator. It will probably take a week for him to get this done, and another week for me to refine it ready in-game.

Right click HERE and open in a new tab.

Fungus Brute Sprite and Sex Scene Sketch:

Here's the preview sprites for the next enemy, Fungus Brute. He's the typical chunky and slow enemy. I think I subconsciously got the inspiration from Dark Souls. Those heavy hitting mushroom guys near Greatwolf Sif, now that I think about it...

Right click HERE and open in a new tab.

For the sex scene, here's the sketch.

I'll work on this as soon as I am done with BloodHunter.

Hope you dig what you see so far!

Right click HERE and open in a new tab.

Game Update News:

There's still a ton to do before the next update. It was silly of me to promise a date for it and end up breaking them. Again, apologies for those. I am also getting tons of messages asking when it's gonna be out. So, it will be out when it's out. Gonna make a FAQ soon for it along with news and how rewards work and other issues as well.

I'll finally got to slowly catch up on everything after a ton of setbacks. Next thing to do is to finalize on Blood Hunter's sex scene. I would want nothing but the best quality here, so please be patient. This game is 90% One-man-army.

For anyone who has questions, please ask it here and if I encountered the question more than a few times before, I will include it in the FAQ.

Game Lore and Story:

Have you seen this avatar before?

Well, he's not lost or anything, but I made a deal with this guy involving souls, heavenly fortune and a fiery place. LoL! But in all seriousness, he's HentaiWriter, aka known for another awesome game Future Fragments. (including many others) 

And I got to trick him to write for me for FREE.

...ok, not really for free. But he'll have a ton of stuff to do for Divine Arms, mainly writing and debugging its plot in exchange for an equal part of my services. Including Divine Arms' core dialogue engine and a few of my expertise to be used for smaller, but of course, still high quality projects.

You can read all about it HERE. It also got its own Patreon page, so if you are interested, do visit the campaign.

Anyway, as always, thanks for the support! I am back on track and working at this more than full time, but please understand what one man can do. LOL I'd clone myself if I can.

Thanks! kReig out!




cant wait for the new updates mate i like the game and am behind u 100% love your work


<a href="http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brent_rambo_approves.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brent_rambo_approves.gif</a>


Awesome update, just one thing seems strange though - You've agreed to provide your game's core engine PLUS extra work on other projects in exchange for...help with the plot? Doesn't really seem like a fair trade to me, especially considering you are already working full-time on Divine Arms. I just hope you are not getting ripped off (didn't think I would say that about HentaiWriter).


Worry not. It's truly a fair deal. Honestly, effective writing is where I am slowest and I've seen the impressive and professional work of the man. Also, I did not specify, but the only part of the engine getting traded is the dialogue template for VN and minigame purposes. (Edited the post. Sorry. 2:30 am here lol) Also, as I am ViperV's notorious bottle-neck, other members / assistants will have paid jobs working with him while I catch up and set everything else for Divine Arms.


Wow, that scene from the Fungus Brute. Flying solo is hard, so take your time in making this game. Most of the people here are waiting patiently for the end results, I think. And even if you break those release dates it's fine for me. I love supporting you &lt;3

Tadd Morgan

Fantastic! I wasn't sure I was into the vine, but now that I see more of it, it is my favorite! Hot!


Wow. Fantastic Job! Very excited to see that Fungus Brute in action.


Well thumbs up for the Vine Scene for sure! Love it

Scott Henderson

Congratulations on 1000 patrons!


Wow! Amazing. All this info looks pretty nice. One question: In terms of fetisch , If the first enemy do tentacle rape, the blood hunter vaginal rape and the vine is oral rape, tha's mean the fungus will do anal rape? My god! I don't know how mane many enemies the game will have but, I'm pretty sure it will be really really rich in this issues XD. Jokes apart, I'm glad you are taking your time and don't rush. I like all the new info and designs.


I can't wait for the next build update! I played the demo for Divine Arms somewhere on the ass end of the internet, and I knew immediately I needed to donate. You are doing great work!


Cool updates from Divine Arms &amp; Future Fragments. Is there a chance of some type of Divine Arms &amp; Future Fragments type cross over DLCs for backers (costume swap, secrect weapon, power ups, palette swap, Magic for Siggy &amp; Talia for example Shantae:1/2 Genie Hero &amp; Hyper Light Drifter cross over DLC(s) comes to mind <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1236620800/shantae-half-genie-hero/description" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1236620800/shantae-half-genie-hero/description</a> <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1661802484/hyper-light-drifter/description" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1661802484/hyper-light-drifter/description</a> ) for both games? Keep up the good work on both projects. 1

The Future Fragments Team

On our end, unfortunately, due to the way the game's illustrated (frame by frame animation), doing alternate costumes and such would be REALLY difficult to do. Getting Talia into Divine Arms might be a bit easier, but that'd be more on ViperV's end if he wants to do that or not. That said, there's another large game I'm working on where doing costume swaps/designs will be infinitely easier than it is in DA or FF both, and possibly having something like BOTH Talia/Siggy's outfits in THAT game could be something I could talk about with ViperV, for sure :D but again, it's his choice also, so I can't promise or confirm anything, etc.


Glad you dig! I have no idea how far in the dankiest or lewdiest part of the internet Divine Arms has sneaked it's way into, but I think that place for bringing you here.


Yeah, the initial scene for the brute is anal. However in the DASH edition, all enemies will have extra scenes and votes will definitely be the one to determine the outcomes. glad you dig!


ingame? he's one of the very slow enemies. sexscene wise... pleasure in pain, i suppose.


that's very good to know! I personally had no experience drawing female sex scenes, so i hope i deliver well for this first time.


Thanks! :D I do have assists and support but yeah, 90% solo here and as you said, hard. but very fun to do specially if it meets the quality i aim for. Thank you so much for the support!


That Fungus Brute looks great! I can't wait to see him in action!