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We're setting monthly voting early from now on so animation process can start sooner. 

(Did the voting last time end of the month and had to start the actual animation after voting finished)

So here's a peak of the next lewdables!

I won't be including guys from now on in the votes to avoid clutter... (exception this month for #1 as I hope you can tell what's the deal with #1) ...because I'll end up adding the male versions anyway as last priority and in the priority their counter gender won. 

OR if a final vote picks the variant instead. (Futa scene OR Male to Girl scene OR Girl to Girl Scene) - The designs for  the males will be ready in the next post.

A patron also messaged me (Jillfrost?) what happens to the non winning designs.

They will have a loser's voting month once we have 4's winners, so they can still have a another chance.

--------Blood Huntress x Siggy idle frame 1 preview-----------

Animator's already on this!

If you're wondering what's up with the dik, the Divine Relic "Trap Drive" can "borrow" someone's dick in some random universe from some random dude.

The user and the person who owns the dik experiences equal pleasure. Siggy can lend it to any female (or males with unsatisfying size) if she feels like the one getting hammered.

And since the results here:

Blood Huntress gets to borrow her borrow toy. :p

------------------Forbidden Arms: Bloodlust news-------------

Mayumi's Finisher Bloodlust arts are complete! (including 8 more movesets not present in the flash version)

I just need to add the boss next month and the Godot demo will be ready!

However! $10 Tier patrons will get to playtest the Godot test tech version by the end of this cycle! (followed by the rest of the tiers in next weeks after) 

This is a stress-test version that will have you fight 25 - 100 enemies at once. The feedback on this will let me determine the average amounts of entities I will place by default. (Of course, you will have options to still max it in the demo and later versions)

I still have a few more optimizations to do and the tech demo will have basic to no sound as I have not fully gotten in to that aspect on Godot first hand. I have the basic idea and its quite easy but I'd want to add a sound manager to it so players will get more options. That is scheduled AFTER I finish importing the boss battle.

But yeah we'll have it ready on PC, Mac, Linux (maybe html5 if it works with GLES2)

Anyway, I hope you like the preview and have a favorite in mind! 

Will post the VOTING it as soon as I finish rendering the characters for the height chart!!

-kReig out!




Hmm... not so hype for futanari personally, it's kind of a bummer... I'll just wait and see if some new male-siggy lewds gets animated


Sorry its 1 am here. kinda sleepy, but males are still in, but the redundancy to vote them is a clutter so I won't be adding them to the vote list but a final vote will still determine if its going to be Futa/ Male to Girl or Girl to Girl. Edited the post for clarification