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Good day! kReig here. And thanks so much for the support, everyone.

Here's the initial designs for the enemies in the Forest and Ruins (the first area)

The fungus brute, despite it's size is a fast runner. Fortunately, it's vision is very poor and only reacts to movement. Siggy can stand still and not get detected. Alone, this is a very easy enemy, but with other enemies around, expect a hard fucking time. quite literally for our poor little angel.

The second enemy is a rapevine. This one is a plant type and it does not move at all. It shoots it's seedlings at you so keep your distance. The woman is actually a real victim and not part of the plant. The plant dismembers it's victims and keep them as nourishment. mainly the salt that humans produce in sweat, tears and specially in the vagina. Each victim lasts for a week before it dies from dehydration. The side effect of the leeching makes the breast plump with mucus, which often used to entrap males as the woman part tries to cry for help. Male victims are paralyzed and get drained of salt and are left to die.

The nest enemy is a humanoid bloodhunter. these guys have a strong fetish for blood. they raid villages and enslave other creatures and pick a dozen or so to sacrifice and consume each night. Angel blood is a rare and sweet nectar for these guys. They can setup traps in the field, so be careful. (later in development we will add detecting spells/items to counter attacks like these)

The last one is a forest formless. made of resin, it is a vengeful creature. when forest trees are cut down by intelligent bipeds. the trees discharge their resin from their roots. when more of these resins from different trees meet, a reaction triggers them to form. when the formless kills a biped, they can read fleeting thoughts and can get influenced from the blood of the dying. They then try to mimic the forms of their kill, and eventually adapt it's malicious intent as well.

Hope you guys dig the design and lore.

Will post more as I go. 

If you have any questions, ask away!




Before pledging, I played a demo of Divine Arms. I was impressed and pledged the next day. However, I noticed the fight with the black ooze enemies was pretty difficult! I'm wondering how you'll balance enemy encounter difficulty so the players can always count on seeing a sexattack without dying and restarting? Or, will that just be part of the game? Thanks, and keep up the awesome work!


Hey Ryan. That's where the resist option comes in as it negates the damage to just 1. You can also upgrade the hearts to last longer. As for the scenes, we will have a fap gallery in the queue so you just need to unlock the scene once to get it listed there.


The lore is really good: varied and imaginative! The Forest Formless, the Fungal Brute, the RapeVine - hard to pick the favorite! What is the story behind the current enemy - the black spherical monsters? Are they local underground dwellers or maybe magically summoned minions?


<a href="http://s1003.photobucket.com/user/DarkSoul2013/media/Kuromaru.gif.html?sort=3&amp;o=8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s1003.photobucket.com/user/DarkSoul2013/media/Kuromaru.gif.html?sort=3&amp;o=8</a> they seem to be like this creature. probably lust and hate incarnate