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Hey everyone, kReig here for this month's development update.

So as you can see, the loop for Aurbeth (Albedo bootleg) is taking form. I thought I could finish it this month, but I got struck by a fever for a few days. Luckily it's nothing like the nCorona virus but I was scared as fuck. :p 

Will finish this piece in a few days, but basically this is a POV request by vote winner number 2, so I hope even in its current form, you can see its faptential.

Here's the normal angle, btw. Had to do it this way so my head won't be tilted the whole time achieving the original camera plan.

Ok, so onwards to the update. If you have not already, there's an attached EXE for you guys to test out the current changes and updates. But to sum them up, here's how they are:


The Backgrounds are rolling with better placeholder and pattern now! It may look blocky at the moment but those are actual data per tile and will be designed randomly by the map instance and tile pathing will be smoother than the current one you see above.

The traps will be back, too. It does not work right now in game but the data is already there on what kind of trap will be placed on that spot.


Map and room transitions are done! Press and hold SHIFT ingame to see the map and proceed to go to the next rooms. (last time is just one checkered room) - You will also be able to pickup the map key but don't expect it to be useful yet. It's still placeholder, and I just wanted it to be picked up and add the intended functions to it later.


Be careful and mind your energy bar. If you deplete them by using a spell, PPBM and CG will both get hurt.


Enemies drop loot now. Yes, it is placeholder loot, but it can drop Common and Rare loot for a chance when you kill them. Again, drop, physics and pickup effects work now but still a placeholder for actual function.

Treasure chests:

Right now, it placeholderly appear as chests. Common and Rare, but in the actual game, they will be Relic Ore Deposits or crystal / boulder / rocks that PPBM (Paperbag man) can mine to get your extra loot and resources from. 

Equipment, Powerups, Resources etc. Will be mined from here.

Currently ingame, you have to ROLL [SPACEBAR] near a chest to open/mine it a few times, but later on PPBM will have this animation:

So mine your own business.

An update to PPBM's hurt animation.

PPBM's drinking some kind of potion to regain health.
I am still thinking whether to have him immobile as he drinks or allow a moving drinking animation at slower speed... we'll see.


The Luntia is 100% done!

Toagre is 95% Done! 

There are still some tweaks I need to touch up like the head and othe inconsistencies, but it's good as done.

New Enemy: 

Sagoolamn or just call it slime

Everybody love slimes, but they will be a bitch to animate lol.

We'll also get a Gobu and a Golem soon.


As the campaign went in a lot of shambles in the past, the rewards have been the same old vault as before. So aside from the discord rewards, this is what is to be expected in the next 2 months:

3rd bootleg girl will have to be rescheduled for this. (sorry)

I will be doing the MAP EDITOR this FEB as part of the reward. I NEED to do the editor because I need to (design Mahalai's home base)  put events for game and story progression.

There is no way I can write each non random room as an array manually.

That said, aside from my own editor, I will send out patron editor versions as well for the rewards. But what's so special about it aside from just drawing and sending me your dick-shaped created rooms?


So how will this work? Basically, the room you designed will have you put your own customized NPC and as players get to the room you created, there is a chance that players will meet your npc.

  • PPBM and CG will interact with your creation.
  • Your NPC may give treasure or trigger traps.
  • Your NPC will have special custom dialogues and messages.
  • Your NPC will have custom character creator from sprite to dialogue avatars.
  • Your NPC can be invited to Mahalai's outlander lounge along with other player NPC's
  • Your NPC in will have up to 3 Patron powers that you choose. Players can choose 3 NPC's and have a total of 9 active patron powers that can aid or harm in battle.
  • The more you are a patron of that NPC, the deeper their bond get.
  • NPC can fuck CG or PPBM (if npc is female)

There will be 2 types of ways to get this reward.

ONE: If you have been a Patron of mine and have accumulated $100 in total pledges, you will get the editor and is allowed to send one MAP and NPC.

TWO: If you are a $10 Mahalai tier supporter, you will get the editor, your NPC will have 4 Patron Powers and you can update or send over another map every month and is allowed to send 3 NPC's max. You can even suggest hair style or apparel. (there will be other and more rewards as the game progresses)

So how will the custom sex scene work?

Well I kinda did it before already, but we'll just do it in reverse in case you send a male NPC, but if you send a female NPC, it will look something like:

Again, we'll need to postpone Bootleg girl 3 so we can add in:

Male Patron NPC x Siggy(CG)
Female Patron NPC x Mahalai (G2G)
PaperBagman x Female Patron NPC

Then if this rewards system turns out a great addition, we'll add some more poses and variations.

Anyway, that's all for this update.
Thanks again for staying and still believing in the project.

-kReig out!



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