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Hey everyone!

Apologies if there was no news or update last month but you can consider this one good for two months of news and updates. 

So to start off, We have our first boss, Treyj. She's like queen of the green or a Ghubattan. Maybe she resembles a Dryad? Who knows, but she's a brutal bitch for sure and is there somewhere in the forest north of Kyafu Ballista.


More on Treyj later, I just want to address something first about the status of our lewd animation for DA:FO. There's Good and Bad news.


So, DynamoHeart will no longer be animating for us. There were definitely red flags and this was something not so new to us anymore and as soon as I saw the pattern, I knew I needed to do plan B. 

Anyway, we resolved the issue. he'll refund us, and though resolved, it won't take away the fact that its still have caused some major delays. I also don't plan to use any of the animations he did, but since you guys technically still own that as a.. i dunno.. a commission? I'll upload it sometime in the vault if you still want to check it out.

So June to July were very busy months for me. I cut my dev time a lot and ventured the lands for a new animator. My dog Siggy got into a dumb fight with my other dog and she ended up with a deep wound paw. It was also my birthday mid July (which I barely got to celebrate) -and tho we're safe, we did get hit with a couple of not so threatening storms which I'm glad about. Still, add that all up and its a huge chunk of could have been dev-time for June and July. Specially the quest to finding our new Lewdist.

So after a few conventions, studio hops and stalking the internet, I found him. And he's just an hour away from my place. He's very talented. Very disciplined blazingly works fast and the best part of it is he animates with flash.

He goes by the name B-Spike and if you happen to know his works, I suggest you keep the SWF identity private as he requested. But anyway, mid July we got to meet personally and SIGN CONTRACTS for his partnership / employment effective AUGUST

He currently still has another full time job, but luckily his employment ends first week of August. He's very eager to stay with us for GOOD. He liked the deal I gave him and he was kind of sick animating for some random shows in his current employment. Not to mention the salary and stress ratios are not in his favor. That and he really interested in doing the lewds. He never done anything like if before, but he said he wanted to try. And this is what he delivered less than a week while still under fulltime employment:

He likes to do animated sequential, so some of our lewd scenes will have intros like this before the bang bucks. (That's Sigurd and Fivryl up there. I made a quick storyboard and he tried to visualize what happens before the BJ scene.)

He did a Sigurd / Fivryl loop that's almost as good as finished and all of these animation studies / samples were done in less than a week. I was so impressed by the talent so it's pretty obvious I had to get him. (He made more animated samples in less than a week than Alya in the rest of her stay (sorry shots fired) :p )

And sure, the models are a bit off, but that's because he doesn't have enough sheets to work with and we didn't go with approval and phasing and just let him do the thing on his own and I think he handled it well. Do check the video I uploaded on YT to see some of his old animation study works. His grasp with action is perfect for Divine Arms and he already have scenes in mind to what to do for the cutscene intro.

Anyway, I hope you like what you see so far. And I am confident with his speed, we'll get lewds done faster. (He also has an assistant that will do the ingame sprites for us. so thats +1 more to speed of production) 

Ok, lets get back to Treyj:

So as you can see, instead of leaves for clothing, she prefers a different style. 


Two warring factions, the guys in the desert and the highlanders made the forest above Kyafu possible. Hundreds of years after, the warzone became a lush forest that housed many creatures including Treyj. As humanity discovers the resources, they started cutting down trees to beyond tolerable rates which angered the Ghubattans. But not Treyj. She was curious by the ways of humanity and how they exploit resources. So as she did the same to them, instead of letting their corpses feed the dirt, she wore them and made them into furniture the way humans do the trees. She felt good about it and made a huge collection of skull mugs and made a throne of flesh and bone.


More about the Charot Contract Card later.

The Traugr.

(Amalgamation of Troll and Ogre)

Often eats and 'plays' with Ghubattans and fairies in the forests. One day, it got so cocky and invaded the deeper parts of Treyj's domain. The angred queen was so shocked to see her fellow Ghubattans as bloodied corpses being dragged by the Traugr, that in a swift succession she cut its hands and split him in half. She fed the Traugr his own dick before severing its head.

A few moments of gaining composure, she realized the strength of the creature is nothing to be taken lightly of and she wanted it to suffer further and death will not give her kind justice. So with vines and roots, she sew the beast's head back to the other end of its severed body. Keeping it alive, punished and controlled for its raw strength, humiliation and warning to other Traugrs who would dare cross her forest. Its a cool mount, too!


I'm sure some of them look familiar. You can surely guess the obvious, but here's more detail to who they are and what they can do for you in the future:

Our Sacred Smith, Fivryl will refine any relic fragments you find. She will be able to bind them to your Chaos Core to boost your stats.

Also, I'm not sure if I showed this sheet before, but here's her head chara sheet: 

Oubbe, Our blind battle-nurse! She will teach you fighting skills and special moves like the finishers in the video. She will also provide a training ground for you to practice your combos. She will also re-wrap Sigurd's arms each time he goes back in Kyafu because that's how sweet she is. 

Sister Krowe. The leader of the Visionary Children of Maelia (cult).

If you ever get lost, she will direct you to your next quest, she'll save your progress and will pray for some miraculous  passive upgrades.

Sister Fux will be your Bonafice for the brothe-- I mean House of Divine Desire. You can choose any flavor you want and each flavor offer different kinds of temporary buffs. If you remember B-Spike's animated loop for Fivryl and Sigurd above, this Divine Desire will play randomly designed villagers / whores that only have a simple loop and finish animation.

M1073 our obvious Celestial Diviner will purify any legendary relics you find, host a Charot Cards Chamber and lets you enter future endgame content with the chaotic riftgates.

When Lucrea Quarta dealt with the Lord of Greed, her friend and rival Aetyr embarked on her own Sin-Lord hunting. Her research lead her to the possible realm for the Lady of Lust and accidentally opened a portal via Blightlust that got her here.

Her pride could not contain her envy towards her rival's accomplishments despite being the stronger one. He title; Quadelem is a rare feat of being able to manipulate four elementals opposed to the usual three a high sorcerer will ever achieve in a lifetime.

She will teach Siggy-- err Sigurd spells that will give him an advantage and exploit enemy elemental weaknesses.


When the soul leaves its compound vessel, it loses tangibility or becomes fragmented. A soul dust so indistinguishable, it takes natural process for that energy to rebind to something new. 

When these particles get exposed to Blightlust, however, they get so disoriented and often reforge random memories just to cling to sense. A desperate cluster of souls can come from an insect or a plant or beast or human that just died. All of these are bound together with blightlust, forming a formless malicious miasma that is gluttonous for more souls, may it be floating fragments or stolen from one that is still considered alive. 

They can be influenced by the force around them and devour life in their path to nowhere.

They will be Sigurd's main enemies and is the pestilence that has plagued the land. ever growing and insatiable, the formless in the numbers will be a formidable foe. Some of them are not strong enough to digest plastics or relics, so if you kill them, well you got yourself a new cup. or a great stat booster? who knows. 

Buffie, the bombshell blightspawn!

In some rare cases, we still find intelligent and sane spawns of blightlust. Most verily came from other parts of the universe / multiverse just like that Weeb Ganker. 

I figured Sigurd will need a companion for story / conversation purposes so I Isekai'd Ms. Buffie to this world. She is a 28 year old single AAMILF (Ara Ara Mother I Like to Fight) back on earth and she's here to offer support. 

Well, mostly just give BUFFS, so her name is like that, but she can also be tailored to go offensive but not intrusive and as formless as she is, her conscious being allows her to control her very structure. 

She can clone certain NPC's even Sigurd to do assist attacks and she even dyes her default form to her favorite color. (She got punched by Sigurd by accident once wearing the blight tone.)


So after sometime I realized that even if previous animators did not leave the project, Divine Arms will probably be banned by now from how it was tailored or envisioned to be. It is very frustrating to not be able to execute how you want things to output because there are newly spawned rules you need to comply to. 

And that exact frustration and actual number of warnings / strikes / suspension lead me to put the very first Divine Arms on hold and do something that conforms. Which is fine for Forbidden Origins, since I can be crafty enough to pull some things here that are still in my taste and vision without having to sacrifice way too much.

That said, as maturity of the Patreon platform comes, the laws they themselves have to abide to is inevitable. I myself don't want to give trouble to SFW creators who gets in trouble or loses support just because the same patron happen to be supporting NSFW at the same time.

And with that, I may be looking at subscribestar as an alternative in the future. If I can manage to migrate slowly there, then its perfect by the time I retackle Siggy's game.

And with that 'with that' I introduce you to the Charot Card. That you can get from enemies to be used on Maha-- M1073's Chamber. It is like a DNA card that Buffie can use to morph herself into that carded foe.

Tho it is Buffie cloning the card, she's a very talented actress and cosplayer RP'er back on earth and the card will supply enough information about the origin's mood, stats, personality and even some memories. 

Doing this on M's chamber will be less taxing to Buffie's energy so, she can retain the form as long as she is in the chamber.

Alternatively, you may trade the card to something more usable for you in game, so it's all up to you how you wanna play the cards.

Anyway, I think that's all I have at the moment. I hope you are as excited as I am. I am very happy to have B-Spike in the team as he will truly boost the speed of development. 

I'll be posting his updates much frequently as he finishes them, so thank you once more for the true support. 

Some of you guys have been here for years but stick with me on highs and lows and from the bottom of my unyielding heart, I thank and appreciate all of you. 

-kReig out!



Divine Arms: Forbidden Origins Battle System Demo.


Kayami Kira

That new animator looks very promising ! I cross my fingers all your troubles on that front are finally fixed :)


Yeah, I was wondering why there's been a long pause between updates. Hey, let's not waste time on the bad past! I'm looking forward to this demo!


Alright, so after about 30+ mins of playing, I really got a nice grasp of the battle system thus far and really enjoying it. Just gonna jot a few points that are good and bad: 1. The base animations are nice. Even with a blank character I can see the choreography of each attack clearly. I'm excited to see Sidgurd's skin fully in animation and the enemies. 2. The Chaos Gauge attacks are pretty damn awesome, so looking forward to full animations. 3. Really glad you can throw your Chaotic Orbs in any direction that your mouse it pointing. If you're keen on juggling your opponents then it's quite essential in keeping the enemy in the air and picking them off the ground. The uppercut works well to pick up lying opponents too, so nice on these moves having this effect so we aren't waiting for them to stand up. 4. While "Green" seems to have an absurdly large hit box when he thrusts his spear/stick, I'm glad to see he's not slow in attack speed and doesn't lack power. Green's attack wind-up could be faster though since we have the advantage of a sliding kick and can throw energy balls, but it is a demo. Better make some of these enemies badass! 5. Interesting that the up-arrow aerial super launches Sidgurd off an enemy and high into the air. Can I expect hidden locations/treasures in high up places? This'll make solving puzzles more interesting and I say a better experience in exploration as well. I spent a few minutes trying to jump over the stone tower, or at least on to it's ledge to no avail. Haha! 6. Let's talk about the Charges you get from kneeling at the statue as these seem to power up Sidgurd's chaos attacks. Well, some of them. Maybe it was a glitch because I couldn't replicate the combo, but do the Charges let you chain chaotic attacks as long as you have charges? 7. I don't know if it was in the demo as I couldn't pull it off, but will there be a "fall recovery" mechanic? While I'm cool with falling and having to stand back up, it leaves the player open to be juggled with the couple of seconds it takes Sidgurd to stand. I don't know if you're invincible to damage while you're standing back up as Green never attacked fast enough, but this could pose a problem if so. Otherwise, I say a recovery mechanic would be nice, if possible. Say...a second or half-second when hitting the ground if you press the up-arrow you'll stand up faster. Well, that's about it for now with what I've experienced with the battle system demo. Out of 10, how do I feel about the battle system thus far? 10


More femaIe enemies please :)

Broderick Black

Let's get some more male enemies as well no need to turn this in to a yuri fest

Zero Enna

Although it might be slightly off-topic, I'd like to comment on what you called Patreon Police: I've been watching the "changes" Patreon is undergoing since it started and have to say I'm not a big fan of them. I understand their motivation, especially since they're a US-based company. (Aka. violence and guns are not a problem, but don't tell anybody how to make new people to shoot in the first place...) Since you mentioned it yourself I'd like to encourage you to not make changes to your projects to make them compatible with arbitrary platform rules, better change the platform if necessary. In the case of DA I suppose it's because the beings 'interacting' with Siggy are not all of humanoid nature but for DA:FO they are? I'd really like to know more about why Patreon would deem FO acceptable but the original DA not. --TL;DR-- When the time comes to continue Siggy's Story, take any steps necessary to complete it as intended, even if that means parting ways with Patreon. In the mean time, great work on DA:FO, maybe you can adapt some of the gimmicks to DA in the future. And always keep in mind: We're not here for the platform, we're here for the content.


copypasting from YT: 1.) Thanks! I actually learned a lot studying B-Spike's method of animation, so its super ready when the actual sprites are designed. 2.) In the future, there will be button combos for more devastating attacks! like S then D then W for a level 3 ultra electro magnetic drill of the stardust crusading muda muda 3.) Yep, i don't like waiting for enemies to stand up, too haha. 4.) Wait til you fight 10 of these guys at once. 5.) Yes, it was intended for this. There will also be bosses that are taller than the screen, so you'll need that to get to their faces and smash em. 6.) That kneeling is for debug purposes only hahaha. But Buffie will give you those orbs for free. 7.) Press UP [W] as Sigurd hits the ground. It maybe a bit strict in frames right now but it can be done. If you fail that first gate, just hold [W] for a much faster get up than normal. THANKS A BUNCH! Really helpful insight!


they are strongly against Grape. But it gets more complex from there. We all know how Siggy gets it in the original DA and they want none of it. DA:FO gets a more consensual flavor to it, but it is not limited to just humanoids but is still following supposed guidelines. Its nowhere near what i envision towards Siggy's arc, but sure, i can try to adjust things to their liking, but not Siggy's arc. So DA;FO is actually perfect for this platform for the 'meantime' - I can't wait to get back to Siggy, and I'll be sure to go all out and hopefully somewhere else by then.