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I am happy to announce and welcome our new animator in ViperV: DynamoHeart

I'm sure most of you have seen his work before, but he's officially in the team. 

Now, before everything else, here's some of his animated works:

I hope you're as excited as I. But yes to be precise, he's on fulltime with us and will be doing the scenes for Divine Arms: Origins.

Divine Arms: Origins

"There's Brute Force, Redemptio and Roundabout and wtfs this now?"

Those titles are the story timeline. They will all exist. When we put the original DA on hold, I had to open every possibility to produce prototypes and at the same time iron out the timeline so when the event that we find an animator happens, I can decide the best route to put him into. (From the titles, I think you got to try 2 prototypes. Brute Force and Redemptio and a video preview for Roundabout's gameplay.)

Eitherway, those prototypes were also plan B C and D for me in case we don't find an animator. If you remember Fivryl, the Sacred Smith's design and bj scene:

The designs and animated layouts is originally intended for the possible 2 animators I was courting. Luckily, DynamoHeart liked my deal and terms, but in the case he rejected the offer, I will still be the one animating Roundabout.

Doesn't answer wtf is DA:Origins!

In all the title prototypes, BruteForce, Redemptio, Roundabout, they all have different game play approaches. But while I was messing with those prototypes, 2-4 hours a day I have been tinkering and fixing the flash flaws of Divine Arms. The original game.

It's the same engine. Improved and again it no longer brings the problem of flash's bloat and crashing problems. So therefore, we're going back to the original gameplay system with these extra improvements:

game increased dimensions from 800x600 to 1000x750 (including the lewds)

The major problem i had with flash is making stages. at 300mb+ source file, you will crash in less than 15 min. I hacked through that and made a map editor!

The image above are old developer versions though. there should be textures on the tiles. But as soon as I complete the complex version (with tile layers and events) I'll let patrons design their own maps! (complete with auto credit ingame!)

There are many improvements in the engine and it will still be the same spell casting action you loved with some extra new stuff to make it better. Since we already have some assets as well, I won't be redoing a lot of stuff and will reuse those from the original DA.

I am aiming for an April-May Demo release, so Dyna can get a head start with a few sets of animations for it.

The only major difference in Divine Arms: Origins is that...

Siggy, or Sigurd is, was a male.

Why male again?

I have a theory that one of the reasons Chris left is because he got sick of drawing and animating Siggy for two years. So in the same reason for Redemptio, by having a male character, we will have a variety of female flavors to do lewds with. I think Dyna will appreciate the diversity as well.

He's also read headed. But, yeah I won't spoil any story for now, but DAO is the very first time Siggy and Mahalai would know each other. How he turns to a female goldilocks is a bit later in the story line. 

And here, in Origins is where I think things best reset.
Lessons, mistakes, been there, done that. You were there watching me fail but thank you again to those who chose to stay.

Anyway, that's all I can reveal for Origins at this time.

"So with the new animator, you won't be animating anymore?"

With the map editor, every stage for DA including Biomes will be a breeze to add. I would like to first finish the new demo with Dyna's work on it and then release a patron version of map editor, then yes I will animate lewds once more.

I set some goals for DAO.
It will be finished in 8 total scenes and a fail-safe 2 episodic of 4.
Those scenes, are reserved on bosses and special NPC's like Fivryl.

For everything else, like some minor enemies and special unlockables, I will be the one animating. The original DA scene, unreleased Gameover scenes and even Chris' animations will be included as bonus fap material and unlockable for DAO.

"What happened to Alya? Will monthly requests be back?"

Alya is still training to animate to this day. But as soon as she gets confident, her own game will pursue and hopefully get the time to do requests as well.

"What happened to the unity guys and the other coder?"

I fired one of the unity coder dudes. Attitude problems. The other one is still on Redemptio port. Once a week he mentors me on Unity, so later Divine Arms story lines will be done there if I gitgud at it. 

Daryll, helped a lot in the optimization and work arounds with flash as well as the editor. If it were not for his insights and theories, I would not be able to reshape the engine and we could have ended up doing Roundabout's gameplay for Dyna.

He's currently on break, though. I could no longer pay him as I needed to shift funding to Dyna. But he's fine with it since he's not in full time anyway. He will always be there if I need help of course!

Anyway, here's more of Dyna's art:

Hope you like it!

You can check out DynamoHeart on his Patreon campaign HERE!

Feel free to support him as well if you're feeling generous!
And if you do, tell him ViperV said hi and give him a warm encouraging welcome! :D

You can also follow him on Twitter 

Thanks again for the support!
I'm working extra hard to get things right and back up, but with Dyna joining the team, I am much more inspired! Gonna focus more on the demo now!!

-kReig out!




Oh my god. We got a wonderful animator


Top tier animations. Woah.


Whoa! Dynamo seems seriously top notch, both in still art and (especially!) his animations! What an awesome match for the project, super excited for you guys. The news about DAO is also really cool and interesting! Looking forward to it


Thanks! I'm super excited myself! <3


looking super good, hope Dynamo enjoys being apart of the team :D


Can we get look at Dyna's take on Siggy soon?

Hikaru Agaki

Holy Siggy! It's Dyna


Welcome, Dyna! Great to have you! Two great artist joining your team? This is turning out promising. Still, props to Chris for all his hard work; he will always be missed. A few simple theories for Sigurd becoming the sexy Siggy... 1) It was a curse of some sort from the evil of the land. 2) Mahalai's fault. Maybe a bad support spell went wrong or something. 3) It was the God player's fault? Maybe not the player in the first Divine Arms demo, unless we were called in the past to assist with Origin. Still, it would be kinda funny and I'd look at this to be the most hopeful reason. Either way, looking forward to another release.

i love gyros

hey man, not to step on any toes, but i think your last animator didnt get sick of drawing siggy for 2 years, i think he got sick of redrawing the same scenes with the same monsters for two years. you've been stuck on level 1 with the same enemies for years. you rebooted divine arms twice and changed art styles twice. look man, you just gotta hunker down and finish a project. i get it, its your pet project, it has to be perfect. ive wartched you over the years invent game mechanics and forget them, feature creep has run rampant in every iteration of your game....

i love gyros

how about just....3 levels with a boss at the end, you only do the shoot bangs, no ultimates, no multiple protagonists, no overarching 10 hour epic story....just an hour long adventure i can have a good wank to. please...im so fucking tired.


Hmm I became a supporter for the original idea and scenes I saw with Siggy so while this is off putting for me for the protagonist to be changed to male (even if it's temporary). I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now and continue to support you for the time being but my enthusiasm for the project has definitely lessened.


i understand. but this is better than no progress at all and the fact that 3 animators already abandoned the project before.