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October Requests Link

Currently having some bad internet at the moment, so no image header for this post. Download speed is good but uploading images on dropbox and here returns errors. They are all in the same link I shared last month, so the comic request from FCP and the tickle request from Aaron should be in this LINK.

Alya's never done pages as much, but she wants to do more of it for practice reasons and refinement she said. So be sure to request your short story ideas in the future!

Divine Arms: Brute Force

I also came back from vacation since the 5th and had been theorizing about the animation I'll cook up for Brute Force. And the good news is it's doing so well and much easier to do than the old way i do things that I can declare one scene a month with this new stuff I learned. I also studied Chris' work and animation style for this so I'm really excited to get this thing back up to glory. 

Another great thing about this method is it can still incorporate flash's frame labeling and object oriented clips so in the future, once a scene is finished, I can change the skin color, hair style, boob size and face of the lewd scene. So you can encounter enemy sprites with these randomized features and if you fuck them, they would look the same in the full screen sex scenes.

And like how the Witch Hunt lore is integrated to Divine Arms, the soul-coins will get you to store and collect the enemies you fucked with the randomized features you found them with to replay said scenes.

Theory had been on my mind from the vacation and since I got home, I executed the said theory and style and I am already almost finished with the flat colored animation loop.  In a few more days I can showcase the animation, so please wait for it!

November Selected Requests

Here are the selected requests Alya will do this month.
Non winning, but still liked requests become sketch / warmup studies.


Oviposition?  Have some kind of creature fill Siggy with eggs? Making her move slower until she  does something to get them out? (e.g. spell, channeled masturbation, or some other simple condition) Or as another user "Dracula" mentioned. Have Siggy give birth to a new enemy(s) 
Possible scene breakdown:
Siggy gets vaginally pumped full of eggs and cum.
Siggy willingly takes eggs both orally and anally until they won't go in anymore all the while either she or the creature plays with her pussy. She cums.
Siggy gets filled both anally and vaginally until eggs start popping out of her mouth. Overwhelmed, She's then fully captured and taken to the creatures lair where she gets bred over and over again. GAME OVER.

Notes: Would you like this to be colored? (Only one of the scenes selected) or greyscaled to a sequential 3-6 pages? The only egg-layer we have at the moment is the lustwyrm or the adult lustwing. The only problem with this is the Lustwing often lays eggs on the host as she carries it a few stories high. As the host faints, the lustwing drops the host to the ground and the corpse will nourish the eggs as they hatch after a few hours. So as you see, it's not a very pretty picture and something Alya is aware but not sure if willing to draw hahaha. We can certainly modify it tho.

Patron Only:
Requested by AR

Dominatrix tentacle demon lady whipping and fucking Siggy from behind while her tentacles suck and fondle her tits and clit. (Edit: I think it would be awesome if the dominatrix was Morrigan from Darkstalkers)

Mahalai Tier:
Requested by Chickenfried71

A particularly busty Malahai multiple (3 or more) tentacles face fucking, throat bulge and, tears, over flow of cum and perfect tits. Also some tentacles pushed all the way through out her ass or some tentacles fucking her ass. Tentacles would also be used to restrain and fondle her. Malahai isn't exactly used to this so her eyes would be wide open in fear. Preferably there would be cum drooling out of her mouth and hanging off her tits and running all the way down to her legs. This could either be done by the ganker or rapevine.                                                                                                   
ps. i forgot to mention that preferably Malahai would be hanging by her arms while face fucked and the angle would be a little high, almost looking down but still far back enough to get a full body view. Malahai is such a sexy character and i think everyone would absolutely love to see her get the attention she deserves especially with Alya's superb art 

Warm up / Sketches /Studies


I'd highly recommend Jehuty from Z.O.E. (Zone of the Enders) A Hideo Kojima classic


Adult Tiki from Fire emblem, Drawn asleep in a lewd/sexual way


an extremely lewd faced siggy indulging with a few slimes uwu


Siggy stuck in a wall, getting creampied by random passerbies! She could potentially have been doing this to raise funds for her quest! :P

Aaron Soong

For this month I want to see Asuna(Sword Art Online) get caught with a trap in the game.She ride on a Trojan with a dlido to make she orgasm,at the same time for magic rings hold her ankles and wrists,drag two arm to the sky and two ankles down,and many magic hands tickling her armpit,belly button,legs,sole and toes(My favourite).So she can enjoy the itchy and pleasure at the same time.

Ian W

Siggy hypnotized with spirals in her eyes playing with herself.

Zany Hitakus

Can we see Siggy either getting manipulated by a Squidtackle and forced to play with herself, or alternately getting pounded by someone else who has been brainwashed by the Squidtackle?

Mark Zaz

Kat from Gravity Rush Something lewd/Nude but in a cute way

Angel Girl

Siggy chained up to a wall or pole naked defeated and covered in cum. A blood hunter holding her head up by her hair showing her with a defeated look on her face and broken look in her eyes with cum covering her face and dripping from her mouth. She knows a life of rape and servitude is all she has left for her in life.


Lucy Hearthphilia from Fairy tail lewd/nude and in a sexy pose

That's all for now! Please wait for the lewd animation I've been at in a few days!
-kReig out!



Oho! Good job, Alya! Good to see an idea pictured :D


Oviposition suggestions sound great--I'd definitely avoid including death or brutalization in it though, lol.


Very nice. The Lustwyrm has a really nice concept with the transformation aspect. It'll be nice to have some fun with Mahalai too, but if not the art is nice. Well done.


In regards to the note on my suggestion above. Yeah, I agree and don't think that the "Lustwing" would be good for this. It's lethal habit wasn't what I was intending. A non-lethal monster would be nice XD It would be super if the monster had tentacles or at least a fairly long ovipositor. That way you can watch the egg bulges slide toward their destination ;p And I would say for the art? Color isn't necessary, but a sequential 3-6 pages would be awesome :)


A bit late, but hooray my idea is getting drawn. Along with other good ideas :D


It was really sad for chris to left this project since his animation style is so fit in to the funny, lively, horny and energise story and character. And Alya art style is a bit too serious or realistic way, but the most important problem is Alya drawing has too many lines and the colour filled is quite rough not smooth enough. look likes naruto or most other jump artist in their early state.


However these problem would be solved by more practice and i trust in kReig that made divine arms to what it is right now and i trust his decision.