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Ack sorry for the late news. Been very busy in the bat cave.
I just finished the engine and you can test it now. warning! placeholder everywhere!
The controls will be at the bottom of this post.

Unfortunately Daryll has been busy sacking his wife on their honeymoon, so I finished the engine myself. (With his notes and requests for quicker transition)

October is also my kid's birthday month and November is my wife's. I can skip my own birthday like I did some months ago but I can't for these two.

Anyway, I'm doing the sprites for the engine and the animated sex scene.
YES! I'M ANIMATING LEWDS AGAIN! Until I can get someone good enough to replace Armin for Divine Arms, I need something else to do, so I'll relocate my time for this mini-game. you can officially say Divine Arms is on hold for now. Without an animator for it and the promising 2.5D unity port engine being made by 3rd party, i'll park the project AGAIN for now.

I want to get something done quick so I'll focus on the minigame Divine Arms: Brute Force. This game will only have 6 Animation scenes so it's gonna be a real quick game. Just something to do while looking for an animator. Again, yes I'll be the one animating this game's lewd scenes. Alya will still have a long training time to produce animation, so until she learns, she'll do requests and stills for now.  

Speaking of Alya, she's doing the requests and here are some updates:

Divine Arms: Brute Force

The demo will be out as soon as I finish the sprite sets for the Blood Hunter, the farmer enemy and their sex scene. 

The game will happen 600 years before Divine Arms and it will focus on the fall of the Blood Hunters. The ones you see in Divine Arms are rogues and uncivilized left overs of the proud tribe.

Maharoth, Mahalai's Corruption will give the protagonist Blood Hunter chieftain a Divine Armament for his quest. This relic once charged will give the chieftain a gender bending war cry which will turn their male enemies to females for a short duration. This is where you'll get the scenes displayed (get close and grab while in female mode). In the statement above, I did say 6 animations. (minimum) But for every other enemy, it will be stills drawn by Alya. The enemies getting the animations will be for vote (except for the initial farmer enemy)

Now before anyone shouts Bowsette. (I went ºTL when that thing got viral haha.)

But we've already had this Idea some months ago but just recently made it to Divine Arms lore.

The idea was for a final fight theme with 3 characters titled Basaguleros.
Basaguleros means "Trouble Makers"

Here's a parody of Abobo character I made I named Adobo. (Local dish)

Anyway, gender bending has been around since the internet, but wanted to share the game's origin / idea before it became Divine Arms related. Originally, the enemies were supposed to be an amazon like syndicate where all your enemies are women. The reason for the gender bends is when we think of getting this game also on steam, we fear we might get some violence against women flag or some shit so we ditched the idea and went with the bending ability instead.

Anyway, for those who wish to test the currently playable engine, here are the controls:

WASD to move.

Click to attack and combo. Attacking with the mouse cursor behind the character will redirect the attack behind. Anytime during the combo, Pressing W and Click will do an uppercut. You can air juggle enemies.

SPACE to roll. Will roll towards mouse position.

F Key to Grab.

GRAB CONTROLS----------------

WASD to move. (Slowed down)

Click to attack in place.

Click + W to Uppercut finish
Click + A/D to Suplex or Headbutt. (If facing right, D will headbutt and A will suplex)
Click + S to ground slam.

Anyway, again don't mind the placeholders. There's also a pure keyboards control. just not installed in that exe version. (Tho there will also be disadvantages like no directional rolling.)


Now I know pitchforks and torches are coming. I am as frustrated, specially being left by animators even before this campaign began, so I'd like to do something while looking for an animator to continue Divine Arms. I'd like to move forward with something more doable without having to worry of animators. I'd also like to do something different but as closely related to Divine Arms, that's why I kept the lore in. I love this lore/IP and I'm not going to be giving up on the main game just yet. I just want something finished with more control. I'm more than fire up to finish all those 6 minimum animations, so please stay tuned. I did learn a few tricks from studying Chris' work so yeah, I'll be doing traditional animation this time unlike the very first Siggy / Ganker scene.

Thanks for understanding! For everything else Alya, I'll upload more batches as she finishes the requests.

-kReig out!




Well dang, now I want adobo for lunch >:Vc


No worries kReig, or do you prefer viperv? One can never really know what will happen to a project or not, but what's most important is that you're still going and doing your best to keep it alive! I think you've done a great job of handling everything so far. I'm looking forward to play the prequel/spin off :D And those Alya pics are really nice! We need moar!


Alya is so good with anatomy and poses. The poses really amplify Siggy and Mahalai's beauty. The sex scenes in her sample work are expressive and passionate. She's a pretty talented artist.


Amazing concept sketches! Looks as promising as ever! Take your time as needed, I prefer quality over a rushed project.


Have you tried asking Derp to get in on it? He / she does animations at an incredible speed, not to mention you can let him/her make it a b-sides kinda thing where derp can do commission while still helping you by creating the animations




About Brute Force, do you really need three different playable characters? How much time will a single player-character take for development? How big is *this* game going to be, i.e. how many stages, how many different enemies, etc? I ask because you *need* a finished product. I know some patrons are patient, but it's been years since your very first demo. If you want to attract more patrons or get in on the steam market anytime soon, you cannot drown this new project down with too many expectations. I wrote before about episodic content. Brute Force seems ideal for that. You can make stage 1 as a demo, like the first DA demo, and release future stages as you finish them. At the same time, you can release the demo with one character with a small set of moves, and add more characters and fight-moves as time goes by. Keep it trim!


Brute Force is just one character and 6 animation scenes! :D The 3 characters were its first initial brain-storm.


I love Derp's works! Unfortunately I'll need someone full time for Divine Arms. I may try asking her for commissions on Brute Force, though. To maybe up the animations to 10.


kReig will do! :D Thanks a ton for understanding! And I'll make sure to tell her!


Hi, any chance of having a floating jellyfish enemy with electric tentacles in Divine Arms? For example in caves - they can be bioluminescent and give light.