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Chris Armin is no longer animating for Divine Arms. He had other plans and we wish him the best! We are currently looking for an animator to replace Chris, so if you have anyone you can recommend, say so!

We have a new Artist and her name is  Alyanovka Ilyushin, who will soon take the mantle. She can animate but it is not her expertise at the moment. However, the patrons are already funding her animation training. She will debut in a smaller game than Divine Arms which I will reveal soon. (We also have a new hired coder)

I made her a FaceBook PAGE just recently and she said she'll publish her studies there. You can also find her on tumblr but I can't link it here.

Anyway, for the rewards here's what she will be doing while she's on animation training: She'll draw any character, Divine Arms or not or mixed for Public, Patrons and Mahalai Tiers and here is how it works:


I'll be making 3 different posts.

One for PUBLIC.
And one for MAHALAI TIER and above.


It can be Divine Arms or another character or a mix of both. As long as it's SFW and if she's up for the challenge, she'll do it! We'll send the PSD's and Hires to the respective tiers. So, Mahalai Tiers can pretty much vote/suggest thrice.

Since being flagged and deactivated thrice, I've been reluctant to post anything public recently. Even getting banned for a youtube thumbnail pic smh.

So, here's some of Alya's SFW stuff:

She can probably do much of whatever ideas we have in our heads.
Unfortunately, we can only go safe for work for public, because Patreon Police.

Anyway, please give Alya some warm welcome and suggest / comment your ideas away!

-kReig out!




Yea I’d highly recommend checking out Derpixon for an animator. He/she may not be interested but it’s worth a try.


Aaand last vote: Momo from To Love Ru.


Siggy and mal shower scene incoming 😏


I wish for a Siggy and Mahalai wallpaper with a 16:9 aspect ratio. They could be wearing their regular outfit or swimsuit. This way the artwork will remain SFW while still being sexy.


Derpixon is a fantastic animator and is on patreon herself, maybe ask her if she's interested? Also we need Siggy and Mahalai swimsuit pics 😍


Glad to hear you're safe from the storm. I think it would be fun to see Siggy drawn as the main character in different animes.


Her art style far exceeds that of Chris Armin, since her's is somewhat symmetric, considering Chris Armin's proportions to his drawn examples of Siggy and Mahalai are somemwhat different from your new Artist. I like how she has her sketches for siggy, its better, much better, not that i didn't like Chris Armin's drawings, but her's is... really much better, its very straight and good, but that's my opinion as someone who would see this as a regular sketch, but for pornography materials, this wouldn't do, she needs more practice to do those "Parts" As for the animator, Derpy (Derpixon) seems to be the best there is on animation, top notch, high quality, but Derpy seems to be doing something else and its a big project, since after the debut of derpy's big project, Fandeltales, looks like there's another one coming up, so i am not sure if this would work for Derpixon, since this artist is patiently and slowly working on the project, wouldn't want sacrifice quality over meeting a deadline, i would agree on that. I Also have a question in mind: what would be of Chris Armin's Previous works on your game? like the art style and such that is already in the game? would there be major changes again? considering Chris Armin's Art style is very different from your new artist, and it wouldn't be a good idea to force Chris Armin's Art style towards her own, that would make major conflicts, it might not come out well. I like it if you're going to renew the art of the game, but ofc retain what's in it as of now, just the animation, and art style of the game would be changed, everything else stays the same.


Well, beside him being safe, there's other people that got hit by the storm really hard and is either homeless or have to remain in their designated evacuation zones, a lot of reasons to it and 1 of them being their location is Flooded and might take a while before it resides. And also i agree that her art style seems to be anime-ish, its very similar to those sketches i see on google whenever i search for an anime character.


There should be some NSFW sketches for us to see if she can adapt to Chris Armin's style on the art of the game, considering if not, then we won't be able to see another update of the game this coming month, we might have to wait for a few months before krieg releases the game with her art style on it, can't seem to expect the game having to adapt with 2 artist's art style at the beginning and the new ones for another updated version of the demo


I forgot to ask something, will there be any robots as enemies to be made onto the demo anytime soon or maybe almost at the very end stages for the game to be a full version? it would be a good and change of theme, considering there's only few robot or mecha fetishes in some hentai contents these days, i'm saying like maybe adapt a little bit of the Concept of Future Fragments, and make like ancient mechanical sentinels guarding one of the crystals, considering if a crystal is not purified, then those sentinels would be hostile to Siggy, add in Tentacle scenes on it, would be awesome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Imaginaaation) It seems to be a rip-off of the idea on some of your competitions (or other artists) but it may seem to work if the concept is similar, but the content, or functionality is different from the others. Also! i have a suggestion, it seems that its a bit of annoying to keep on dragging our mouse back and forth on the map to seek out the impure crystals in the game map, maybe if you just make a simple map that we can just click and purify it without so much movement on the game map to select a stage would be better, maybe you should add in some other design for the crystals to be purified depending on the stage, its not like grunts, gunky blobs, rape vines and a large fungus with a big dick would simply make the game enough at the end game for the animations, ofc you have to make new enemies for siggy to be fuc- i mean to slay, like a new crystal design for when the stage includes the mechanical sentinels i suggested, maybe add in some aztecy like imprints onto the crystal to make it look unique to the other ones, what i'm saying is make the game stage by stage but with more freedom, add in a simple description on how hard the puzzles or enemies would be on that stage (probably the difficulty would be that of the enemies and what knot) i'm saying nonsense but you might get an idea out of it, atleast a little bit.


Can we get some Lustwrym fucking Siggy? She's an interesting character and the idea of a loss / indulge thing seems hard with her So if we see it we can get more excited O:

Ryan Higgs

Can we get her to draw Rem from Re:Zero being cute on a picknick!?

Wesley Gunder

here is my 2 cents is that her style and technique is excellent is also extremely different then your original style and Chris's style and that's the issue at hand! Now looking at her studies and Patreon side posts it confirms that she is excellent artist that actually draws the male form extremely well, far better then any I have seen. Though her female looks are very athletic, not as voluptuous as we have come to expect. This makes my conclude that she will make you the best bloodhunter ever, and any other enemy or character that you want done that is masculine looking she will nail, artistically speaking!


How about: Siggy in a wedding dress! Looking at the viewer happy/overjoyed/nervous but happy/ blushing like a maiden (With her two robots in the background just to be sure you're not running away!)


Geez, it's crazy to see how much Chris leaving really screwed this project. I feel for you Viper and I hope everything works out. I've already said my two cents on things but I'll add a little. It'll be interesting to see if Alyanovka can pull this off and have it look good. I am logically and understandably skeptical still of having someone with little to no animation training working on such a high quality H-game though. As someone who started learning how to animate just under a year ago. I can tell you it won't happen in just a few months, especially to the quality people have come to expect from this game. The art still looks a bit rough and needs a finished piece to really judge. Keep at it, and don't get discourage, criticism is the a vital key to success.


really really sad chris armin has left this project, but have to admit that Alyanovka Ilyushin could draw


As I already wrote: Alya is more than a replacement, she is an extremely good artist and definitely know what she is doing. Ive only seen few animation of her, but all of them were top notch, I dont know how she handle hardcore stuff and if she has problems with it. I mean I would ve problems with it, I like to watch it.. but drawing self is "nasty" x) So, all I can say is: Welcome Alya! I hope you ve great time (and payment :D) here and I'am pretty sure, this community will welcome you very warmly c: Good job Viper :D


I like the general look that stays true to siggy, all I’d ask is please don’t take anymore weight off her, as she was perfect and had curves in all the right places. These sketches look great but she looks a little anemic compared to that hot bod we all fell in love with.


Looks great, you are very talented <3


We hear you on this. also showed this comment to Alya and she agrees to work something with it.