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I can't post links here, but you can pretty much find it on my other pages, social accounts and blogs.

Compared to v1.95 this has is "slightly easier". But it will still be challenging. There have been a fuck ton of improvements here, so I hope you like it overall despite the difficulty.

The difficulty is intended for balancing reasons and feedback/data surveying. The main game will NOT have this difficulty spike.

Again make sure you have the SWF Folder besides the game.exe so you won't crash on 'special' events.

If you like it and wish to support, I would gladly appreciate it because I will be needing extra funds for an awesome news which I will reveal in after a few months. But for now all help is appreciated. And if you can't be a patron, sharing this public build is more than enough.

New enemies will start their design and votes mid-August or just after I get some rest.

Thanks everyone! Enjoy! 

-kReig out!




Are the large hearts supposed to be obtainable?


broooo i am so stupid that i can use winrar and download the best game in the entire world pls help guys


After I beat the level I went and played all the gallery scenes, then I bought all the upgrades I could. but my money wasn't going down in the top right corner and it kept telling me I was broke, then I got locked in the menu and couldn't get back to the map.


the ones in the field? yes. unless your health is already full


interesting. i'll try to recreate the bug and investigate.

Lapi Ludi

You know what would be fun? If we made the player dodge 20+ projectiles, hidden spike traps, and 10+ enemies at while getting 5 FPS. Oh oh, and made it so that they had to pay to respawn! This won't be annoying at all! And lets make it so that there's a lot of really slow to open gates that make up "Puzzles" that rely on terrible game design choices such as not being able to cast spells when the mouse is over water.


at the part where there appears to be a barrier in my way but I can cast the fire spell past it. the hint says to trust the map ,but that isnt a clue at all. I cant get through


i have a litter bit of advise here, the struggle scene of bh and rv i think if can be a litter bit of animated after the armour break will be excellent just like the ganker struggle scene.


Are we past the point yet where it's necessary to put in those did-you-read-the-intro-blurb skill testing word hunts?


You pay to respawn on the spot, and go into debt using the checkpoint. I like these mechanics tbh. And the puzzles are pretty creative imho... thought there IS one I couldn't figure out. Either way, the difficulty will be lowered later on, so it should be less problematic for you


I've got a problem, in the first mission I reach an area that gets sealed off, there's a column wall and two pressure plates and one make me go crazy while the other is just spikes. But after Ive killed all the gankers I can't go on any furtber. As of right now I can't play anymore.


I've got a bug. When you arrive in the 1st real arena fight of the first level, the screen can't be move around and my character is stuck floating around the stage.


i cant figure out how the fuck you're supposed to get past this area with the heart and bottomless pits with the turret that shoots you. only one button in sight and it doesnt activate anything helpful. tried all my skills in every direction.


what should i do after i get the hallocopter bcs i cant go to the next room idk what to do


There should be a small area (if its the area i'm thinking of wich i hope it is.) that lets you Charm one of the lil slime guys. You then need to activate the bridge for him to crossover, so he can step on the pressue plate, so you can get past the pillars that are blocking the plate on your side. (No it's not the one where it frist tells you how to charm & how Charm moveement works)


In the lil Arena, there's a hidden switch, In one the bush at the top right. You smash thebush a few times and it should show the pressure plate youcan step on. So you have to step on the plate that Charms you, and reverts your movement, Then the one inthe bush to unlock the gate.


Darn, I've gotten stuck and I need some hints. I'm in the cave area with 2 pressure plates and the respawning enemies, I charmed an enemy to get him to hit a switch and unblock the path to the first pressure plate, but now I need to raise the second bridge to proceed, and I can't get an enemy to sit on the other pressure plate because it's too slow to avoid the spike trap on the narrow path. How do I proceed? Also, this game is getting really difficult, but I'm sure it will be made manageable eventually. In the mean time, can you make this charm segment a bit less annoying? That spike trap that's just to remove the charm right before getting to the switch is a bit sadistic. EDIT: I think it was a glitch. I left the area and came back and the bridge that was down before was up.


I've stucked in the Cave area, I need to charm the enemies but I don't find the Plate or something to get into this mode. Edit: The Enemies Respawn and they lifebars are really low.


I honestly found the difficulty to be just fine for me at the very least, the level as a whole was pretty fun only thing that slightly annoyed me was how water breaks channel so making a bridge of ice can get frustrating sometimes


Umm why can I not find the key and not get past the lust Bush on the fence line.

TSOF 402

me too,is that a bug?or i miss something


link where I can download the prewive version of the game please Viper?


Btw ViperV i'm not sure if you are ever going to get to read a reply from a reply from a reply but your work is one of the finest i've seen.. nah im lying to myself it's by far the best i've ever seen.. i can see the love put into the work *double sense lmao* good work seriously. detailed passion!




Can´t find it on your FB Page :(?!