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Anyway, all dialogue icons are done for the whole scenario for v195.

Each flag in this screenshot is one dialogue expression/avatar/icon.

I also added most of it already. 

Probly have 15 left to include in the dialogue box and we're set for release. FINALLY.

Gonna try and add all the 15 tonight, some final tests and hopefully before Friday I'll get to send it out!

-kReig out!




Good luck! But dont over work yourself!


I can't wait until I get my hands on the new build. Keep it up! You have support


I look forward to it


Sounds awesome!


Yay Finally we get a Version to play with :D

Raymond Seneer

Thanks for your work and sorry for beeing around like a dog waiting for its food °_°


Yes fantastic news but please don’t kill yourself getting it all done lol you have been working hard lately and we all appreciate it 😊


Hyped like hell, pal. Keep it up but don't go destroy yourself, sleep for the love of god. It makes it, what, like 2h by day ? Whatever, babling here, peace, signin' out o/

Harry Fox

can not wait XD


and so? Where is the game?


I Really hope this is the Day pls dont break your promised again:(


well he just say before friday but not in witch week, month, year :D Just wait for it i belive he will bring it out as soon as possible and it will be awesome with the new changes ^-^


You just got to be patient man, I have been waiting for like 2 years or 3, a good game takes it's time to be made and besides private life and unexpected events can happen


relax guys. it's done. i'm just going to wrap it up later. it's bloody 7am here and im just too tired. i'll need 4-6 more hours for the final shit to be deployed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I can almost taste it


My body is ready


My arm is getting restless. xD


4-6 hours


What happened to 4-6 hours? Was there some setback or something?


I'm pretty sure it will be out today so all we gotta do is wait


Guys, learn to read properly... He said he was going to sleep AND need 4-6 hours after getting up to finish the upload.

Xeno Watashi

More like 24 to possibly 48 hours XD but I can wait a bit longer as we already waited this long for an update.


More than 24 hours later...


The lesson to be learned here is that one should not say that they will be done with something at a certain time, or people will complain at them when it takes longer than expected. Just give status updates and it's done when it's done.

Carter Parks

Alright, all of you quit whining now...It's MY birthday tomorrow...and I DO NOT appreciate coming here to see how progress is coming just to see a bunch of shitposters whining about the game not being out by the date he said it SHOULD (NOT "WILL 100% FOR SURE") be out. Like Crone said above me, it's done when it's done, so shut your goddamn mouths and be patient like the rest of us, please and thank you.


Okay buddy, congratulations on your birthday which makes your point more relevant somehow? And it's not a matter of people being impatient. It's a matter of Kreig repeatedly saying or suggesting that the new version is gonna be releasing soon, and then nothing. I can only speak for myself, but I would have no problem if he came on and said that he'd need an indiscriminate amount of time to finish. However, people are understandably upset/disappointed when he says it'll be released by x date/time then nothing.


I CAN wait for the release of the new stuff. Keep up the good work!


psssh classic whiteknights. If what he did is considered wrong to the public, it is. Why are you trying so hard to defend the wrong? The public has their own opinions as well.


Can't wait for the new release ^.^ But if I may offer some advice, stop give out time frames, it seems to upset some people. Just give an update on development, I don't want to see you get in trouble for giving out false information :( Keep up the good work, I'm excited to see the new update.


"If what he did is considered wrong to the public, it is." So, if the other part of the public thinks it's NOT wrong, then in that case, it's not. Delays happen during production, it happens. Not sure some of you completely grasp he's basically a one man dev team. If a bug breaks the game, he's the only one working on fixing it.


Whiteknights are necessary. They're often full of shit (myself included when I put on the act), but they play part in the balance that keeps a dev motivated. Their purpose is not to help somebody grow and improve, but it serves to help morale from collapsing. Haters are also necessary when constructive. They serve to keep unrealistic idealism in check, and provide pointers for introspective growth.


Giving out time frames does not upset people, delaying them like 50 times is the problem for most people here.


Indeed, it is wrong of him to repeatedly give false hopes to the gullible majority (i.e. those here that still have a shred of trust in Viper's proclaimed timelines); Viper needs to stop giving out false dates. Ergo, keep the hating going until Viper's actions restore that lost trust. But also, keep the kind words and comfort posts coming. Like with proper child development, Viper needs both types of feedback.


@CondomLancer then why announce it's done and uploading is all that's left? Please, stop hiding behind your broken logic and face the facts. This isn't his first or second false release post. Just face the fact that he fcked up once again despite numerous feedbacks about such acts. There wasn't even anyone rushing him, but whenever he announce a release date, it gets delayed. Then why announce it even, makes no sense at all. April was over months ago we don't need the pranks. So when is it going to be "release" next? Probably next month, after we pay him, then yea "maybe".


Trust me people had warned him about false dates tons of times.


I think some bugs popped up and he is fixing them



Carter Parks

You all are forgetting one big thing...REAL LIFE SHIT...he has a damn life outside of this...I wasn't meaning that he's COMPLETELY in the right, but I'm standing by my claim that this impatience that a lot of you are showing isn't helping him either. I COULD be nicer about it...but that's not who I am...In my life, I've sadly had to get unpleasant to get my point across because nobody thinks I'm worth a shit. And then they finally listen when I get in their face and prove them wrong...it's a sad truth, but one I have to live with.

Carter Parks

...I may have gotten carried away, but I stand by my statements, Viper. You keep doing what you're doing, and don't listen to these jerks.


@asd asdas LMAO, you sit there and act as if you give a shit about his actual GAME, not his hentai marketing tool. Go beat off somewhere else and take your shitty attitude with you. I have yet to understand why he doesn't just block some of you belligerent cucks that only demand shit from him when he's one person. Hop off your high horse buddy. You're the one who first brought "broken logic" by saying that if a majority thinks something, it's true. Which is incorrect. Hypocrisy at its finest.


bruh you keep claiming we are 'pitchforking, 'witchhunting' you when all we are is giving feedbacks to you. Again there isn't any need for releasing date and then follow up with nothing. No one is rushing you when it comes to releasing asap, all we ask for is stop giving false promises. You are well aware of your production speed as well as we do, when we finally see a 'release' related post after months, we get nothing out of it except dissapointment. Isn't it better and safer to not even mention it till you are SURE that it's done? Why put yourself in such extra trouble. p.s If you think blocking me is better for you go ahead. I will just take the support funds as a donation for Chris's effort.


@Condomlancer If I am just here for the H-scene I would had already dropped this patreon ages ago. Think before you even type. And since when did I 'Demand shit from him"? All my related post is him giving false release dates, not "why are there no new builds". And blocking me does nothing, I am not the only one who share the same opinion.


No one do bro. How about making a "release" announcement when you are really done with the build. You are again putting one leg into your own pitfall for no reason.


the pitchforks and torches i meant for the freeloaders man.