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For fans of the old style, sorry. Gotta go fast and gotta comply.

We will stick with this style with dialogue scenes for now because it's the fastest style I can do with quality. (maybe for good if you actually like it.)

Clocking at 12+ hours a day on average, I'm done with the game version itself but still need to relink the flags and dialogues and patch the banned so stuff we don't get hammered again. 

I'm still waiting for some Patreon admin replies as I don't want to touch some ingame stuff like sprites and hope released public versions can allow that. But I doubt it. At first I thought it'd be easy to patch since they're just nirples, but I totally forgot where those vines are attached as she swing it like nun-chucks. The fungus brute will also need rework for the whole sprite sheet as the danglers in its latest visuals are very obvious.

Ughh this unexpected extra work on top has been really stressful.

4 days and it's going to be my birthday. I hope to release it before because I really need to take a break. I will reply to messages and comments soon. I just dropped by to show some progress.

-kReig out!




Take your time, don't rush, prioritize your health and wellbeing over the release. If you need a break take it, I don't want you to get sick from working yourself so hard. I love your work so far and don't what you to ruin your health.


Happy early birthday and thank you for your hard work ☺


Push the release date a few weeks if you must, the extra work you have to put in is not your fault and is the real cause of the delay. EDIT: I just noticed that there are NSFW pics on your 17 of May, 21 of April & 31 and 3 of March posts, I would recommend that you delete/censor that image now, before Patreon puts your acount on hold!

Xavier Madron

Go at your own pace, Happy Birthday and I like this style

Daddy Warbucks

Why are public releases so important to you? Is it really worth all the extra work? Wouldn't your patrons, the people who actually give you money, be happier with the original, NSFW version?


lolol someone actually said the hard truth. Please don't delay it till next month again.


Public releases (not just for this game) usually seem to be a "try before you buy" kinda thing, except in these cases the "buy" part unlocks you extra content, NSFW content, cheats, etc. It's important business wise, IMO kinda similar to the visual novels/hentai games on steam that if you verify your purchase you get the NSFW patches for. Eventually it's going to have to get worked on, so something will ultimately be delayed. I personally would much rather take this delay now than in the future having it potentially setting back more important updates. Gotta remember that creators nor Patreon want to have to deal with this, but I'm guessing it's ultimately an issue with PayPal (which, IIRC, Patreon uses for paying their creators) since they don't like people using their services to buy NSFW material, so creators have to make "SFW" versions.


If the game version is finished can you post the nsfw versions from patrons?


We didn't say he doesn't need to prepare the public demo. We all know what it's purpose is for. What we are saying is, Priorities.


"Priorities" are often subjective. These changes could be pushed back indefinitely because of other's "priorities" (wants) for him to finish the next NSFW patch instead, thus leaving him unable to release a public version without straining the development process of the demanded NSFW version. He said he'd like to finish it the in the next few days, so I think we can all chill out with the hysteria, especially when he's forced to do this because of Patreon's policies if he wants to have any tangible product to offer for potential patrons.


While I’m kinda sad that the normal art is gone for the dialogue, the newer version definitely is adorable and might be more appealing to a general audience. Thank you for hard work.


I’m kind of confused with this whole thing... I thought that the patreon version of 1.95 which is a NSFW project was almost ready to the point it was about to be released any minute and was basically a complete package with minor bugs that you were fixing. Are you no longer able to release that NSFW version of the game to your patrons through the site? If so, is there no twitter Dropbox link or something that can be posted? I can understand having to censor the public posts on patreon, but I thought you uploaded NSFW public products onto Newgrounds or something anyways. I’m not really upset I’m just trying to understand the situation and what exactly has been happening the last few weeks


I don't get much sleep lately. So sorry for the confusion. Dialogues and flags are the things needed to do left and am doing now before release. The patches for public release, that are important CAN'T wait. however for things that can, they will be moved later on after v195. There are things that will do DOUBLE WORKLOAD if i don't patch it BEFORE v195. For everything else, it will be skipped. AGAIN, v195, is done, but still needs its flags corrected to the new game design and changes. these are brain hurting things, and a ton of state machines. I want to keep my sanity, so I'm drawing the dialogue portraits along with it. DEAL WITH IT. I know my priorities but I also know when it's burning the shit out of me.


Seeing as he's expected to release the public build a week after the patron build, that means if he released the patron build now, he'd be stepping on another deadline landmine. :P Ergo it would be more logical to release the patron build only if one were absolutely certain that one can release the respective public build in 1 week's time. While deadlines don't really mean much anymore (with history as evidence), I personally believe it's the right decision not to create more opportunities for broken promises just because one has a stained past. Personally, I take my promises very seriously. But it's a double-edged sword; it was why I ended up pretty much quitting one of my public projects when real life became prohibitively impossible. Without anybody else telling me, I crushed myself with the guilt of missing my deadlines, and ran away for a year (and luckily I eventually found somebody to help me finish it). Unlike me though, despite the broken promises, Viper's still here, whether it's sheer diligence or shameless procrastination. We've waited almost a year; we've hundreds of hours of alternative fap material; dozens of other projects to fund. We can wait another year if that's what it takes to get the next build done. Unless you're dying this year. Then that'd really suck. xD

Carter Parks

Fucking Patreon is just like the ESRB...they put double standards on EVERYTHING.


wait so patreon stepped in and is policing your nsfw content within the game? What the hell? There are plenty of NSFW content being made on this website.


1st youtube now patreon, this censoriztion movement BS needs to stop. what next are they going to censor pornhub for NSFW.

Carter Parks

What happened is he made the mistake of putting some of the NSFW stuff on his Overview page...which is what everyone, including non-patrons, can see. And that is the only thing that they took issue with...that and the former name of his 20 dollar pledge tier. But had those not happened, he wouldn't have to treat this game like he was publishing it on Steam and take out all the H content and send it to us in a separate patch.


Yeah so long as the adult stuff is contained within the paywall, there should be no issues regarding the content inside the game itself, so long as you stamp that 18+ warning. I hate when content creators can't create their content, regardless of what it is, but you have to sometimes "game" the system. Ultimately does Patreon have to play through these games to determine their content? I highly doubt it. It's all about the presentation.