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Hello everyone, 

I don't know if you've heard or seen the news, but Patreon might ban all NSFW art all together very soon. 

So for that reason, I have made a Pixiv account. You can only follow it at the moment as I have not made any tiers yet. 

I've also applied to Subsribestar, but that usually takes a while. 

Obviously I hope that Patreon somehow reconsiders this, but its unlikely. 

Thank you all for your support yet again! 




drevod.fanbox.cc Here is the link to the fanbox


They're dumb, i know it's not cool to say this but come on, we all know (and they do know) that hentai and porn is like, at least 50% of their platform, I understand that you want some ethics but please dont act all mighty like porn is bad... Hope you will have no issues (you and the other artists i follow) because it would be sad


Its probably PayPal's fault. They started to crack down on it. And since Patreon uses Paypal...