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Black Hole Mirrors

Hand in your recording devices to the spaghettified robot. The video will be disseminated to the public soon, and I expect to see you nerds there!  Discussion of the episode will commence in #the-facility-episodes on the Discord after the screening.


(No title)


Eric Webb

This was fascinating, but left me with some big questions. I wish there was some kind of explanation for exactly what we're seeing in Matt's videos. How does looking at a black hole in a mirror distort the appearance of the mirror itself? There's no distortion of space time there, just the photons from around the black hole reflecting off the mirror and back into our eye. I guess this is the same gravitational lensing effect you illustrated with your disembodied head, but once again, how does that work without the spacetime distortion? Are the paths of the photons alone enough to create the illusion? If so, I wish that was stated more clearly after the video footage. I also would have loved to have learned more about Matt's process for creating his models.


To fall into a Black hole: The Reaction will depend upon the conditions of the Black Hole. Again Our Dimensions. Deep inside a Black Hole we have the 50%-50% layer where Vacuum and Mass are equal. This will compound to the core dependent upon the amount of Mass found below the 50%-50% layer of Temporal Equilibrium. This is our 0 Dimension, where time really does not matter but outside of it. This layer will change in Volume Depth depending upon the mass of a Black Hole. As the First Dimension is Gravity, we have the ray of formation. This ray of gravity exists in a Field where Vacuum can not display a Surface area, thus can not have independent rays of -1 gravity. As within a Black hole you have -1 Rays of Gravity and Mass does not display a surface area to connect them. As with gravity, it compounds upon itself in relation to all mass within its reach. This reach has a limitation when it is just a single point of gravity, but when gravity compounds to squared condition and thus has a surface area, it can allow for the displayed effects of Gravity upon mass. As these single points of Gravity connect together, but are unable to lose their surface areas and only touch on a spherical form, they will move and react as a body without any real mass density. This allows for a center of gravity to take over, which extends the reach of the total mass particle. When we enter into domains of Volume filled with such conglomerations, we start to gain effects, such as spin rate and formal densities in measurable quantities. And thus our volume now has notable qualities and measured conditions. As the Temporal Equilibrium is deep within a black hole, the layers above thin out to allow a rational surface area of dynamic forces. The Surface area still has a rational charge and its conglomerate particles still have a spin rate. This is determined by what it intakes. The Vacuum of space is not empty. Light from every direction enters a black hole, and will erase your static image within moments. If you fell into a black hole: You would be first converted elements, as your cellular structure would no longer be a structure as those electrons break away, Then your elements would break apart into sub-atomic particles, then your sub-atomic particles would break their bonds to photons and the like, Through the first portions you are locked into a linear transit which your physical structure can not escape, yet from all directions other forms of energy is still moving and interacting with what your structure is comprised of. You would be blurred at first, then as your bits fell deeper in your structure would be scattered. You would become part of a mix. While Mass falls in, Vacuum is squeezed out, and in the exchange particles of very small size will rush out like the photons from a star, and they might not make it, but will impact that which made you, as hawking radiation defiles your memories and all that you might be made of. As you fall deeper, you are scattered ever further, certain bits might even make it to the core one day, but then true stop does not happen until you reach the Temporal Equilibrium. A Black Hole has a minimum mass, anything smaller would be a bomb. It is hypothetically possible to build an engine that would compress mass to higher percentages, and thus when pressure is released, so release energy as it attempts to expand. One would need to add more mass, and this becomes a Mass=Energy converter. The issue is a power-plant that actually is far more critical than any critical mass. So your containment field would need to produce forces greater than the pressure on the core of the earth at sustained levels. The Idea of such an Engine would easily be reclassified as a Warp Core, as you gain energy from its cycles to provide the Hypo-atomic values needed to power a ship past light speed, and manage the calculations faster than light, with such faster circuits, so conducting such hypo-atomic energy. This type of Cyclical Compression Engine could be possible, but before we can use a Hypo-atomic Particle, we need to find one, and for that we need to have faith that they exist; as no real sense of such has been charted to accept such, as but that of Presentiments. So if the Black Hole had an opposition spin rate, you would burst back out into the Disc almost immediately. If the Black Hole was Starving you would be shredded as your dark matter is increased beyond your atomic stability levels and be discombobulated by the black holes expansion: long before you reached its surface. If the Black Hole was combining with another black hole of the same outer base charge you would be shredded by the energies in communication within such a Quasar field. Black Holes at a Quasar core going faster than light about each other... Shedding their material against each other, the more massive will survive, the Black Hole smaller will be reduced to nothing when it actually impacts the surface, and the More massive one will then intake all the spoils that did not escape in the fray. It depends upon the black Hole. If you could build a field of neutrality great enough to equal the reach of a black holes gravity in the equation: you might manage a trip inside, but then you would need to read a valid Star Fleet manual or Planetary Union Manual to even start to figure out how... I might have a half done manual around here somewhere between: my files to rewrite genesis to be rational, scientific, and include the rest of the holy land(earth in the story), and attempting to explain to everyone the solution to the worst E.L.E, we currently face...