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Greetings, fellow futa lovers!

There’s something about going back to our artistic roots that feels like a warm embrace. It’s like visiting an old friend who knows us better than anyone else. As artists, we often get caught up in the pursuit of novelty and innovation, forgetting that sometimes the most meaningful art comes from the heart. Returning to our origins gives us a chance to reconnect with that inner voice and remember what drew us to our craft in the first place.

This month, I got the chance to revisit my younger, more naive self. Suddenly, everything feels possible again. We can experiment, take risks, and create without fear of judgment or failure. It’s a chance to indulge in some creative nostalgia, and yeah, it feels good. There are a number of related meanings to the word sublimation, but here, I meant it in a more symbolical, airy sense, like the alchemical sublimatio. Something here reminds me of the solo action in Cajón, the delicate Light packer, Leaning, Butterflies, and Like old times.

This month, I had the opportunity to chat with some of you. It came to my attention that, as community guidelines change (and they’re constantly changing), there’s an ongoing possibility that NSFW artists need to, well, pack their things and move to another platform. It happened to me a couple of times already, but we didn’t have a clear plan in case we had to adjust our sails.

So, what did you do, Q? I researched, talked to other NSFW content creators, and applied for a SubscribeStarAdult creator account. We’re not going anywhere yet, and I hope it won’t be necessary to move anytime soon, but you will find a quaraci page there. It’s public, empty, and won’t accept any subscriptions until I push the cyan button. If any of you have prior experience with them or other platforms that you think are worth looking at, please tell me in the comments. =^_____^=

Thank you all for the love and support! I’ll send the Carmine and Cyan packs links in a few minutes.






I really liked this one. I'd like to see some huge balls on them in the future.


I had the same thought, but this angle wouldn't be good for it. I promise we'll see more balls soon. I'm glad you like it, Lupusvir!


Two of my favorite characters together >.>