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Transformation. Shapeshifting. It's hard to recall when this topic wasn't exciting for me. Kallie may be an extreme example, with multiple limbs, spider eyes, a fawn centaur body, multiple tentacles, and so on. I didn't use to think about complex transformations such as hers. Still, I recall fantasizing about more straightforward ones when I was younger. I'd become the bully, the teacher, the janitor, or a random bird that would interact with us at the park and then fly away. I loved cartoons with mermaids or were-characters, and felines were my favorite. For some reason, however, these themes weren't as vivid in my mind when I started posting on my online galleries, but they do become fresh again after working on projects such as this one. And yeah, it feels fantastic.

This concept started right after the previous Kallie illustration was complete, although it took us a couple of months until the usual drawing/painting workflow took place. Thank you so much, Kyro, for inviting me to bring this bust to life and sharing your beautiful OC with everyone. Also, thank you all for the love and support! =^_____^=



p.s.: this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I'll post it on my social media in the future. Since this was a commission painting, I won't publish its RIF file.




I remember I REALLY wanted a portrait of anything from Quaraci. The way Q does faces is so beautiful! But then, I also wanted to present a challenge and create sort of a puzzle -- navigate through several elements and attempt to fit everything in place. Needless to say, Q did an AMAZING job with both and I was extremely happy with this piece!! You never know what will happen when you throw an idea out there. My favorite little detail is how real the fingernails appear -- just another example how Quaraci is dedicated to every little bit of their craft! Thanks again friend!!


Thanks for the kind words, K! =^_____^= I recall when we talked about how portraits were at the top of my list of preferred subjects (I have an old, long, and ongoing sketchbook dedicated to sketching friends and family, and I had just taken Joseph Todorovitch’s NMA class on portrait painting), along with figure painting and still life, so I was super excited about this beautiful portrait puzzle that Kallie is. About the hands, I may have stared too much at random strangers' hands in public spaces. I regret nothing (LOL).