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Winter can be cold and gloomy, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s nothing like soaking in a hot tub with your friends to chase away the chill and brighten your mood.

A hot tub is a great place to bond with your friends over meaningful dialogues, share your deepest secrets, or relax in silence. You can play games, listen to music, or watch the stars together. A hot tub party is a perfect way to show your friends how much you enjoy their company. As the weather gets colder, it can also be an excellent opportunity to get closer to someone you like, if you know what I mean. The warm water and the cozy atmosphere can lead to flirting, cuddling, or even kissing. Ah! Romance.

This warm, moist, and romantic concept was created inside Kyropracter’s mind, a lovely winter piece wrapped in glorious fur and feathers. I can’t think of a better way to warm up one’s winter! Thank you so much, K, for sharing this concept with me and now with everyone. =^____^=

Thank you all for letting me bring these images to the world, and don’t forget how closely related friendship and romantic love can be.



p.s.: this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I’ll post it on my social media in the future. Since this was a commission painting, I won’t publish its KRA file.




Fantastically drawn animal dongs and girls as always