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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

Character design is challenging. It’s like putting puzzle pieces together, except every part is dear and close to the heart of its creator. There’s something literal about this puzzle analogy regarding fantastic creatures. I recall one email between Kyropracter and me in which we talked about how anatomically demanding we can/could/should get when it comes to the more straightforward case of futa anatomy… How does everything connect? Do they have ovaries as well? And in the case of diphallia, do both dicks ejaculate at the same time? Why so? 

Of course, most people rarely ask these questions constantly, but when you need to draw fantastic anatomies, sometimes you need equally impressive strategies. Keeping proportions and finding balance and harmony Is the name of the game. What if we decide to draw a red-haired fawn beauty with spider features, spider-like duplications, and phallic tentacles? Well, that’s my raison d’être as an artist. =^____^= 

Illustrating Kallie, one of Kyropracter’s sexiest characters at the peak of her transformations, required me to study a lot of (human, fawn, and arachnid) anatomy and find attractive, organic solutions that won’t break the character’s proportions and overall sense of weight and flexibility. However, none of this would be possible without the spark of creation of Kyropracter, who brought these elements together in a single, beautiful character through his writing and invited me to share this visual interpretation of her.

Thank you so much, Kyro, for sharing your OC with everyone, and thank you all for the love and support! =^___^=


p.s.: this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I'll post it on my social media in the future. Since this was a commission painting, I won't publish its RIF file.




Yes!! Spi-deer Kallie!! As an amateur writer, I can come up with all these crazy concepts, but it they may not make sense when seen visually, and this is where Q came in and tackled the challenge of taking this anatomical nightmare and turning it into a beautiful creature. There comes a point when too much is too much, but I don't think Q has that limitation. Thanks again for bringing this marvel and all her beauty to life =^_____^=


We had some enlightening sketching days before we committed to the final design, which made all the difference. I had this vague idea of her being more petite, but the sketches of a stronger, more muscular Kallie looked way better. I'm glad we went through that exchange of ideas, and I couldn't be happier with the result. Yaaaaay! =^_______^=