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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

You thought we were done with our character design moment that started at the beginning of the month, didn't you? I knew it. The theme of transformation is one that I like very much, and I couldn't miss the opportunity of showing how Karlie would look after her two legs took form. Here's our second exclusive painting for July. Yay! 

If you like voting, you've already noticed that it's all about her, and you'll also get to make a major design choice. Before today's painting, I had an alternate idea that her cephalopod arms could be smaller and visible only if we looked between her legs. But what's the fun in that? Epona experiences daily tribulation keeping her equine bits concealed and under control, so why not Karlie? Her potential for adventure will be optimal if her arrival into human society also has its challenges, right? Right. =^_____^= 





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