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Hello there, fellow futa lovers!

We're back to Breath of Fire II's universe! We've seen Nina before... One... Two... Three... Four... Five times, perhaps? However, this is the first time we see Nina and the witch Nimufu, a lovely character who didn't get all the fanart love she deserves, according to Kyropracter. They're both having fun in double at the Catfish Cafe, and maybe, just maybe, other people might feel confident enough to join them. =^____^=

When I worked on this painting, I attended a class on traditional still-life painting. The teacher stressed that there are moments in the learning curve when you realize how unaware of space you were up to that point. I think this painting was one of those moments. When I see elements such as the table, the cast shadows, and their hands, all I can wish is that my future paintings retain those insights on space. :)

Extra special thanks to Kyro, who gave me a concise yet fertile description of what he'd like to see these girls doing in front of everyone. =^___^=

Have fun!


p.s.: this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I'll post it on my social media in the future. Since this was a commission painting, I won't publish its RIF file.



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