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I was probably at a museum, maybe at an art gallery, the first time I saw a painting with thick impastos on it. Don't get me wrong, you can find thick paint anywhere, really, even in the most unremarkable paintings. To some extent, I think it's a crutch that many painters use for no good reason, so I always avoided it. When a master uses it, it can even look spooky, off-putting (hey, Rembrandt!), but making a painting a bit more tangible with it, this sort of lesser effect I was aiming at, can look interesting as well. This time I intentionally sacrificed a bit of drawing precision in order to explore this effect. Also, I was missing this couple. =^____^=

Oh! I almost forgot! Since we have many poll results that are still being translated to upcoming paintings, I'll probably delay our next poll to a couple of weeks from now. Lots of horses, centaurs and anthro friends on the canvas, folks! =^___^=



p.s.:  this is an extra painting, an early access submission. I’ll post it at Hentai-Foundry, Twitter, etc. in a couple of days.




I totally agree with you on the impastos, almost like the popular fashion, rarely a needed eliment. Someone that is as gorgeous as Iris should never starve...all the...um, mayo she ever wants😍


Something went wrong with my reply, apparently... I replied two days ago! OMG! Man, I grew up with local artist using the impasto card whenever they wanted to impress, but I really hated the way they did that (long sight at another painter painting sea waves with thick impastos...). I agree with you: Iris should always have access to her regular portion of whip cream... Or mayo. 😅