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Shola stood by her side for a while. Iris’ hands were still shaking, and her eyes seemed to miss the target every time. She was sweaty, had dirt and grass under her nails, and her smile sometimes ended up becoming a silent laughter.

“Are you ok?”, Shola asked.

“You are… Yeah… I am fine. Oh God…”

“For a moment I thought you’d faint. You got into this rhythm… Like you were in a trance state. I even stopped moving, but you grabbed my dick with your hands and just kept moving back and forth, and you’d sit so deep I could feel your… Iris, you could almost touch my legs with your butt!”

“That’s because I’m a mare. Inside, I mean”, she said, laughing, “I am a mare down here, and I never get to feel this with the guys I slept with, and you were so… Oh God…”

“You shouldn’t date guys anymore, Iris. They stink”, 

“But they smell so good… Sometimes”, Iris answered, with her eyes shut and a smile on her face, then she yawned.

“Don’t ask too much of her, Shola. She’s not back yet”, said Leto, as she approached her friends, lying on the grass. She had gone to the house and brought some towels. She thought she’d be back in time to join them, but Shola was waiting for Iris to come back for, what, ten minutes now? She continued, “Did she eat any of those mushrooms? Do you think we should take her to a hospital?”

“No, she didn’t, but she looked like she was tripping by the end of it…”, said Shola, checking one more time if Iris was getting better.

“What about you? Are you alright?”, Leto asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I am… Just a little bit worried, that’s all. She’ll be back soon. Where’s Epona?”

“She went to Rio with those guys she mentioned.”

“Bruno and Marco? What is she thinking?”

“Some of us enjoy dating guys from time to time, you know…”

“I’m skeptical about all this. Well, I hope they have fun at that party, rave, something.”

“Yeah. I hope so…”, Leto answered. She kissed Shola on her cheek as she sat on the ground with them. “Look who’s back.”

“Hi you, and you… Why am I lying on the grass? Did I…?”, Iris asked. She touched her legs. They were all wet. She pushed her fingers against her belly, which turned into a slight massage. “Oh… I remember now. It was crazy, wasn’t it? So, guys… Are we doing this again or what?”

* * *

Hello, hello! Q here!

We’ve reached August! 

Traditional media and digital paintings usually follow very different approaches when it comes to making them. When I work with Artrage and Painter, I have the feeling that I’m as close as I can be from a real canvas, with real paint that mixes in certain, very peculiar ways. When I work with Krita, I feel that I’m creating a photo, so to speak, even if I’m not aiming at a photorealistic image: with adjustment layers and all sorts of effects. I like working both ways, but I’ve been rediscovering the wonderful, sophisticated simplicity of Krita. It does help us when it comes to optimizing the workflow and making non-destructive changes. Sometimes we get better results in less time with a free, open source software, which is a total win-win-win situation. 

This painting is rather recent. It was done in three stages: a black and white underpainting (drawing and blocking in), followed by a coloring and detailing stage (with overlay, hard light, and multiply layers) followed by a final adjustment stage (with adjustment layers such as levels, saturation and color adjustment layers). 

Also, I wanted to bring the girls together, all of them, if possible, so that some of our next paintings will relate to this one in a fun way. =^_____^=

Thanks for the love and support!






I love Shola's design and everything about her. I especially love her hair this way too. Not to mention the extra options she has ;). Only critique is sometimes she appears too skinny. Beautifully well done! And if you're gonna do shrooms, at least they're out in the middle of nowhere with nature for no bad trips. The girls aren't only pretty but smart too. And let Epona date whomever. Variety is the spice of life!


It seems Shola doesn't like boys that much, but Epona and Tallulah do. Besides that, Shola is very easygoing. You're right about her build... She is skinny here when compared to her other appearances, like "Shola, the reader"... Mmmmm... I'll be more careful next time, but her body shape might change a bit until then. About the mushrooms... Well, I'll leave them for those who really understand about them (yes, you know who I'm talking about =^_____^=) Cheers, Kyro! :D